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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. We did try and show discontent but it's hard when 40,000 fuckers walk out when Swansea score so it doesn't come across loud enough. It's never going to be as loud as it is at away games though because the atmosphere at SJP is shocking. not sure shocking is a harsh enough word to be honest, cant believe how bad its got, one of the worst in the league, feels like the heart and soul has been sucked out of my club, just no fight left in it. feels odd calling it my club right now, doesn't feel like mine any more, rotten to the core
  2. love watching Sociedad; Pardo, Canales, Vela all good players to watch i find, Griezmann as well even though he's missing today.
  3. They weren't at Stoke. That wasn't at St James' Park though. We have some special rules against banners? Unless it's a political message it can't be confiscated, surely? I don't have any sources or anything but I'm sure that back when the protest against Ashley was at it's peak, people were getting banners and stuff confiscated at the turnstiles or by stewards. I wouldn't be surprised if that still happens. anti Kinnear banner was confiscated and taken down earlier in the season about 20 seconds after it was unveiled .
  4. Not sure what's worse, going all that way to watch us get brutally bummed for 90 mins, or having to get to Liverpool street afterwards with the tube stroke
  5. How is he not even given a yellow then
  6. I wish this cunt would go die in a hole somewhere
  7. That an Sissoko's slap are the highlights of the season so far.
  8. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yVZnlgzmDaQ/T2hW4ScI2xI/AAAAAAAAOIE/WIdJwZSB_To/s400/ben-reaction.gif
  9. Couldn't agree more, makes Liverpool amazing achievement this year look mediocre.
  10. been living in Sheffield for the past 4 years, wishing to meet one of the Sheffield teams in the cups or anything, to save me a journey and the moment I move away we end up playing them, typical.
  11. can't wait to see him shoehorned into a position he's not used to and a formation that makes no sense next year
  12. I think all the scousers on MOTD all just blurred into one in my head when i posted that
  13. We finished 8th that year, Ashley would be wanking in to a sock. Nah he'd have had to pay for cup final suits, transport and hotels. He'd be fucking livid. ] he paid for the mackems suits tbf
  14. I've heard some shite from MOTD in my time, but 'even Newcastle at home isn't easy' is possibly the biggest lie to ever come out of Larwenson's wrinkled scouse face
  15. how is someone so good, such a cheating cunt
  16. why are those people weakly clapping?
  17. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/23/article-2329504-19DF1AF5000005DC-422_634x473.jpg
  18. why is this game on first? makes no sense
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ the picture of perch on the front page of the bbc website
  20. Man City, Chelsea and Man U are their 3 remaining away games. they better pray they pick up 9 points at home
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