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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. " there are Arsenal fans who can't remember seeing their club win a trophy" fuck off with that
  2. Athletico madrid to win 1-0 £1.02. so if i lose leaves my winnings this season at exactly £30
  3. Summed up my feelings on Gosling perfectly
  4. A team in a city Newcastle is twinned with would make the most sense? So someone like Schalke or Malmo?
  5. looks like i'm not going to be able to get away for the final, bit gutted really, Gateshead has been the most thing all season, shame not to see it through to the end.
  6. don't know why i read that, same old depressing shite. but don't worry guys, who knows, we might finish mid table next year if we're lucky. living the dream...
  7. If the feast is moving, you can't blame him for stealing his coach's lunches really.
  8. Didn't they have the most expensive tickets in the premier league last season? working class my arse
  9. aye he was one of the better players for us in the first half (which was a good half by Pardew standards). I mean he was closer to the half way line than the goal most of the time it seemed, but i wouldn't expect anything else from a different striker capable of running while the cretin is still in the dugout.
  10. Oh for fucks sake, 4 mins? I'm desperate for a piss man, more annoyed at that than the two goals
  11. As casual as he's looked the whole of his career, he's absolutely dreadful, but I can't help but love the bloke
  12. Thick as pigsh*t scouse c*nts Ah a graduate of the Alan Pardew school of English.
  13. Taylor managing to find the one place in the box where he isn't marking anyone.
  14. Think that's the earliest yellow card for time wasting I've ever seen
  15. Should of been two. Liked the commentator saying "good football from Pardew's side" while we have 11 players sitting on our own half defending.
  16. 3 centre backs, two full backs, two wingers covering the full backs and two defensive midfielders stuck 5 yards ahead of the back 5. The stuff of Keegan's nightmares.
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