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Everything posted by LucaAltieri

  1. I'll be honest. It has crossed my mind.
  2. Milner was all right because the Dutch hadn't done their homework. If they had they'd have known 9 times out of 10 he cuts inside the fullback. His assist was good to the point he mugged their defender, but the pass itself was nothing out of the ordinary. You'd expect any half decent player to pick it out.
  3. Macedonia 2- 3 Spain Riera. Thank fuck.
  4. Macedonia 2- 2 Spain Piqué. More like it.
  5. Macedonia 2 - 1 Spain Torres. ok, now 2 more you cunts.
  6. I don't think he has the quality to be an England regular but good luck to him anyway.
  7. Spain are really fucking up my accumulator here. Currently 2-0 down away to fucking Macedonia.
  8. Quality all round from Defoe. Good run, good control, excellent finish. I still think he's shite, mind.
  9. Yes. We've just all kept quiet about it as a practical joke to you. Ah your face... Manboob or Moat?
  10. Daves doing a sponsored post to raise funds so N-O can buy the club Ok, so tomorrow then?
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8186049.stm
  12. They reckon they'll find 500,000 people to invest £250 each. Good luck with that.
  13. This is nonsense. You think Brazil's awful league is better than Bundesliga and Ligue 1?! The only thing better is the natural talent, most of which is playing in Germany, France, Spain, etc. by age 18-20. I had started to doubt myself about Ligue 1 after the fierce defence it has received. So I gave it a bit of a watch today... Lille vs. Lorient... last season they finished 5th and 10th respectively... fucking awful it was. Wouldn't look out of place in the fizzy pop League 2. It really is that bad. It's like they've taken the English game then sucked out all the money, talent, passion and heterosexuality. Brazil, in contrast, is a real footballing nation. The standard of the average player is higher than just about anywhere else in the world... which is why you find Brazilians playing all over the world. The team game uses space and possession better than most and they keep the ball on the ground when they play unlike in the effeminate game of head tennis I witnessed between Lille and Lorient. The game there is still about pride and beauty. It's still the common man's game. It might not have the same bling as the European game but there is still a lot of appeal for football in it's most rustic form.
  14. FFS. Now I remember why I stopped betting on football matches. Decent odds on the Galatasaray game staying under 4.5 goals. At half time it was 2-1, so put some money on. Stayed 2-1 until the 85th fucking minute... GOAL! ... 89th minute... GOAL! Fucking twats. It's all rigged, I swear.
  15. LucaAltieri

    Jonas Gutierrez

    I think we'd get more out of Jonas if he was playing on the left hand side of a front 3. Somewhere he's not playing too wide and isn't crossing from the by-line. In that role he can still chase things down, stretch the play, and would only need to play simple balls into the box. Of course we've got no one for the same role on the right-hand side. And players in that role can usually finish themselves too. But it's still probably better than playing him as an out and out winger.
  16. Don't feel so bad about losing Owen based on that. Did fuck all in those 20 minutes.
  17. Commentators at the Spurs game: "Are we really in a situation where a half decent season in the premiership with a poor side sends your value to £8m from nothing?" (Bassong) Commentators talking sense. A rare one. Spurs are playing completely dog shit with more or less a full strength side. Almost half time and not a single shot on goal.
  18. Grafite was topscorer last season. I stand corrected. In fact, Toni was nowhere fucking near. That article I read was talking shit by the sounds of it. EDIT: He was Bayern's top scorer last season.
  19. If he comes off the bench. Rooooooooooo-neeeeeeeey and Berbatov up front.
  20. Tim Krul stung by a wasp and still kept playing. Instant legend.
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