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Posts posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. Honestly cannot wait for next season. Just hope we manage to make it into Europe, whether it's the Europa or the Conference I'm really not fussed, anything is better than nowt in terms of the club's standing in the game.


    In theory how many players will we have back for the start of the season (assuming no transfers), all bar Botman and Lascelles?


    And Tonali, of course [emoji38]

  2. 21 minutes ago, Vinny Green Balls said:

    The issue for me isn't that this is a forum and people argue. The issue is that a few of the posters had absolutely AIDS ridden responses about Howe two years ago, pretended like they didn't when it was good, briefly went back to it before the Cup final last year, and are now full in again. And then they complain that their voices are being stifled.





    Nah, the issue for me is posts like this - people complaining about people complaining. People have to be allowed to post their thoughts without fear of being told their opinions are "aids ridden". Whatever that means.

  3. Motm tonight and I'm not exactly his biggest fan. Shut down so much and was pretty solid throughout. He had too much of the ball when Dummett came on though, not his fault but Paully D was just too scared to play the ball forward.

  4. Just now, Smal said:

    Tarkowski's header after 8 minutes (0.25xg) and Docoure 43 minutes (0.12xg) after were their only shots to register over 0.07xg in the game other than the penalty. The Garner shot which hit the post was a 0.04xg effort generated from very little tbh.


    Does XG account for a keeper who rarely saves a thing

  5. I just don't understand how you attribute any success to him. I get that he does something and he is good at something, I just don't know what that something is that people are going to be able to turn around in 3/4 years and say "that's what he's done that's won us the League Cup". Scouts do the scouting, coaches do the coaching, the manager does the tactics. Commercial directors do their thing.

  6. I'd take Ramsdale over Meslier like. Not much in it between them and Pope and I'd rather stick with what we've got if Pope comes back well from injury.


    Mike Maignon please [emoji38]

  7. 2 minutes ago, KaKa said:


    Despite everything that has been said in this thread you're still talking about being confused about why we were mint last season and now we are not?


    Someone even posted a graph that showed at the start of this season we were on track with last season prior to losing key personnel.


    And still you can't get your head around things? 


    It's as simple as were not good anymore so the manager isn't learning?!


    This is somewhat terrifying man.





    Completely missed the point. We've obviously been massively hampered by injuries ffs ?

  8. 15 minutes ago, KaKa said:


    We've all heard him talk about the way he works and looks to continue to learn.


    If that's not good enough for you then I don't know what to tell you.


    I'm not disputing the fact that he learns, I'm just saying we've got no evidence to suggest it's true. It's something I've read on here more than once and I can't understand how anyone has come to that conclusion based on the fact that last season we were mint and this season we've been quite disappointing on multiple occasions.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

    Dunno how it's weird mind, I thought Murphy had a really good game.


    A difference of opinion? Lock the thread now!

  10. 1 hour ago, KaKa said:


    Once again, no one is saying he's perfect. And absolutely no manager is by the way.


    The issue is the constant nit picking over everything and making out he's some sort of clueless idiot, which is the real issue here.


    Despite his imperfections he's done great work and continues to do so despite some challenges this season. 


    And looking at his approach to things it is very likely he will continue to learn and improve on things going forward.


    This is not the calibre of manager or person to disregard so willy nilly.




    Once again I don't see any evidence of this.

  11. I don't think there's a better alternative right now than Eddie but christ let's not pretend he's perfect. It's okay to question him (and any future manager) just as we questioned KK, SBR & Rafa before him.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Lush Vlad said:

    Finally catching up with the Prem highlights. 

    I’m like a stuck record with this. But is there a worse co-commentator than Andy Cunting Hinchcliffe?! 

    Every missed chance he always immediately has the answer and tells us all what the player should be doing. Just a constant doom monger and a really whiney pitch to his voice. 

    In a world where fans are constantly complaining about females in football media. This bloke gets an unbelievably easy ride. 


    Yes, that dour cunt from Scotland who seemed to do every single one of our games when we were shit. He sat there for 90 minutes whinging about how shit we were and sounded like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world.

  13. I don't mind Dummett as a 4th or 5th choice CB, we're not going to do much better unless we start eating into the FFP / PSR bollocks and there's other positions we need to be looking at before worrying about who our absolute worst case scenario centre back is. Still reckon a quality right winger transforms us more than anything else. And I'll  still bang the Raphina drum. He's absolute quality.

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