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Posts posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. Fans: We need more commercial partners!


    Club: Here's a new commercial partner :thup:




    Remember though, we only demand a club that tries......right lads?

  2. 4 minutes ago, jackyboy said:

    I get the impression that the plan was for him to train with the first team this season and slowly introduce him into the side. If Howe threw him into the team too early and he had a bad game or made a costly mistake the crowd would have crucified him. We've seen the abuse hurled at Burn, Longstaff ,Almiron and Dubs so perhaps Howe is just protecting him a bit. He's only young and I think he will be a very good acquisition in the longer term




    Slight difference between those 4 and an 18 year old kid who's just moved the length of the country, which I reckon most of the crowd would be aware of before jumping in on him.

  3. 17 minutes ago, OpenC said:

    Aye, all fair points. I guess I just see this as a fundamental shift away from what I think of as a football experience is all about and will inevitably change the feel and the clientele. It's not for me, but that's just my opinion :)





    I can totally understand where you're coming from.


    I've been a huge advocate of an official streaming service like what the NFL has but it'll be the end of more long term ST holders who prefer a more traditional match day experience. I'd certainly prefer to just roll down the hill and watch us at my local club, few pints with like minded folk, cut out the fluff around actually going to the match. It's already becoming a bit of a shit experience since the intro of the e-tickets and I'm about as far from a technophobe as you can get.


    SJP with an extra 7 thousand people trying to get in to the Gallowgate will be a fucking nightmare.

  4. 1 hour ago, Stal said:

    I am fully behind Eddie. It's a rough patch for sure, but he's learning and developing all the time as we are improving. Never mind the Champions League, he has given me hope which is something I had none of with previous managers for such a long time (excluding Rafa). He has earned the right to grow alongside us and I'm not one for attacking a man who clearly knows his stuff after a bumpy patch. I'm not saying don't criticize certain points of his game plan, that's every football fans right, I'm just saying I'm sticking by him.


    I think part of the problem is that bit doesn't appear to be true. Whether that's because of the injuries, who knows, I'm just not sure how anyone can say that he's demonstrating that he's learning when we have put in some incredibly poor performances against sides at the bottom of the league. Next season, barring a repeat of the injury crisis I think we may see it.

  5. I'm not sure football's global appeal is something we need to be concerned with. It's okay if some people don't like it, we don't need to get all defensive. Part of the problem with where we're at today is down to the attempted globalisation of European football, surely.


    I'm also not sure how you maintain the essence of the game whilst eliminating tackles altogether.


    I actually disagree with everything you've suggested, other than the obvious inclusivity and diversity bit ?

  6. 35 minutes ago, Segun Oluwaniyi said:

    Mad scenes in Turkey between Trabzonspor and Fener. Trabzonspor supporters entered the pitch attacked the Fener players. Livakovic was punched in the face, one of the players was running from a fan attempting to hit them with the corner flag, Batshuayi kicked a supporter in the face, and Nigeria's own Bright Osayi-Samuel connected with a beautiful right hand

    :lol: This is the kind of nonsense happening in the Turkish league these days. Unbelievable that this sort of behaviour is still occurring. 


    Let me join the chorus of people expressing their dislike for Klopp. Genuinely unpleasant when faced with even mild adversity, his entire persona is a facade contingent on everything going his way. The Premier League has been blessed with some wonderful personalities among its greatest managers, but Jurgen is the only one I truly cannot stand. He will not be missed AT ALL.





    I'm 36 and I feel like that sort of thing is quite normal for Turkey. They're right sad bastards when it comes to football, like they've got nothing else going on in their lives so they pour everything into supporting their team and are all just a bit mental. Bit like those Napoli pricks.

  7. 11 hours ago, McDog said:



    On the surface that sounds like a huge cop out but it really isn't. He has 1000x the information we have on everything from form in training to mental state and how everything is coming together with different groups.


    That doesn't mean we can't speculate or have an opinion and it doesn't mean Howe is never wrong in his determinations but he is quite a bit more informed than us.





    I wonder if people who use this argument did the same when Pardew refused to pick HBA.

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