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Posts posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. 11 hours ago, McDog said:



    On the surface that sounds like a huge cop out but it really isn't. He has 1000x the information we have on everything from form in training to mental state and how everything is coming together with different groups.


    That doesn't mean we can't speculate or have an opinion and it doesn't mean Howe is never wrong in his determinations but he is quite a bit more informed than us.





    I wonder if people who use this argument did the same when Pardew refused to pick HBA.

  2. 6 hours ago, Paullow said:


    Quite enjoyed this interview [emoji38]



    The seagulls relieved to once again free roam without the threat of rollernonce sticking his cheese stick down their throat.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Keggy_Keagal said:

    City have gamed the system to get where they are , they're at least 5 years ahead of us. Understanding defeats is not the same as accepting them. I've said many times we have to learn the lessons. That's us as a fanbase, the manager and the entire club. I firmly believe we'll get there and based on his previous season and a half with us I believe (and hope) Eddie can take us there. 





    They're much further ahead than just 5 years, there is no way we're that good in 2029.

  4. 1 hour ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    I wouldn’t say it was a bad performance for the players we have and the situation we’re in. Problem is we gave away two unlucky/soft goals and we were finished. 


    It certainly could have been worse,  but they stopped going for it and controlled the game after their second when it became plainly obvious that they could do just that with very little risk. It's just frustrating when you watch other teams and they're so much more exciting than us, often appearing to have a go at the top sides whereas we tend to go into games such as this already defeated. I like Howe and want him to succeed but he needs to stop persisting with players who are putting in poor performances week after week. I've been critical of Burn pretty much every game this season, now it seems as though Botman may be next. That's 3 poor performances in the last few games from him, but there's no way he'll pick Lascelles, Krafth or Dummett (remember Man Utd away in the cup?) ahead of him for whatever reason. I really hope we see Anderson ahead of Longstaff too. Lewis Hall needs a run too, none of this 30 minutes every 7/8 games bullshit. Frustrated.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    I think it had the potential to be. First goal killed it. It's not good but that's where we're at atm; we've nowhere near the required quality or mentality to overturn a deficit at the Etihad. 


    It's always got the potential to be but I completely agree with what you're saying here. At least the Premier League will let us do something about that quality deficit...

  6. Just now, Yorkie said:

    Just a total non-event, really.


    We made a couple of mistakes early doors, they got a bit of fortune, and that was that. They were able to do their tiki-taka defensive game - which they're absolutely impeccable at - and that was job done. Far too good for a flawed team with incredibly brittle confidence. 


    Good performance though, according to some

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