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Posts posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. New stadium please. Hopefully it pisses off loads of people who sit there for 90 minutes and do nothing but tut and mutter to themselves when they're displeased with something, to the point they don't renew their tickets.

  2. 5 minutes ago, 54 said:



    I actually agree with him to an extent. It was just a shit game between two average sides and we managed our chances better than them. Nervy at times when they had acres of space down their right and it was 2v1, but they did nowt with it when we were able to get a few men back in and around them. Dubs did well for one or two saves and caught well from several high crosses, but they had nowt up top which stifled them.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Menace said:

    Will the posters who have a pop when a shit result occurs now appear to praise him? 


    What are we praising him for? Well done mate, you beat a shit side at home who were playing without a striker. No issues today for me, other than Tino not starting, again.

  4. 1 minute ago, Dr Venkman said:

    Eurgh. Can we not do this? No one is frothing. 


    Exactly my point, someone has been promoted at work and outsiders are commenting on it whilst knowing absolutely none of the facts, it's pathetic.


    Let's not do it :)

  5. 13 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

    They have been here for two years at this point. Despite the welcome investment,  nothing else appears to be materialising in the way of actual plans. No training ground, for example. We just don’t seem high up the list of priorities for PIF who, every time I check, have added another sporting venture to their portfolio.  And now, if the rumours are true, a half arsed appointment to fill the role previously held by the top man at it 





    So absolutely nothing of substance then? Got it.

  6. 30 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    Let alone NUFC, who have consistently messaged that they will remain within FFP rules.  At some point the message will become clear.


    I also don’t think that everyone has quite sussed what PIF is - this isn’t a Man City / PSG style takeover being blocked by perfidious forces in UEFA or the PL.  There isn’t an unlimited funding bucket,  and KSA isn’t a tiny city state - it’s a decent sized country, and this is a sovereign wealth fund.  They’re unlikely to be looking to spunk billions on NUFC.  It’s an investment, not a vanity project.  


    Whatever it is currently or whatever it turns out to be they want to compete with the very best. That's a damn sight more appealing than it was 5 years ago. I couldn't care less if we don't "do a Man City", as long as we're looking to better ourselves year on year, that'll do.

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