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Posts posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. Remember, these aren't the rules forever. We'll either figure out how to circumnavigate these rules or we'll see them change again. I highly doubt if they change they're going to be even more restrictive, given how close Villa & Chelsea are reported to be to joining Everton & Forest.


    I could see a breakaway UK only Super League at some point if nothing changes from here.

  2. 2 hours ago, relámpago blanco said:

    Yeah, your probably right but he was excellent the first season.  I thought it was a good fee when we signed him, I don't think many thought it wassn't.  Remember now 15M is basically a bang-average premier league player.





    He was a good signing like. As others have said its a massive shame how many injuries he's had. Still think 15m is a stretch. If he's on 100k as reported then we'll do well to get anything for him tbh.

  3. 3 minutes ago, relámpago blanco said:

    Yep, if we could get the 15 Million back and I think he's good value at that it would be great business.  He doesn't fit what eddie wants in a Leftback.


    15 million? [emoji38]


    We'll get something like 6 million with add-ons amounting to 8 if we're lucky.

  4. It's a symptom of the PL product becoming more and more sterilised each year. The gap widening with everyone being told to stay in their lane, the invention of the celebration police, mobile phones being a 'go to' when there's a lull, general society in 2024 - people my age (36) and younger have been brought up to be spoon fed sheep. People of my age in the 90's and 00's were completely different beings and we just don't treat football like they used to.


    It's just where we're at, we're not the only fans having these conversations. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, Cronky said:


    I'm a bit confused here. The Premier League has a requirement to have a certain number of 'homegrown' players in the first team squad, but they don't have to be 'academy' players.


    On the other hand there seems to be UEFA requirement for there to be 4 Academy players in the first team squad. Does that only apply to UEFA competitions?


    Aye. The UEFA squad rules have more boxes to tick, for sure.

  6. Unless the areas at the top of the steps behind the Gallowgate are expanded and proper queuing lanes are set up (or additional turnstyles built in) an extra 13k people trying to get in to SJP is going to be an absolute disaster.

  7. 24 minutes ago, bobbydazzla said:

    Noisiest and most positive fan around me today was about 7 year old


    Last season I was always in same section, I had mates nearby, I got to know people around me, we all enjoyed standing and making a racket, it was class.


    This season I’ve had some dire experiences, it’s actually depressing being around these miserable twats and the disinterested arsewipes playing on their phones 


    I don’t expect everyone to want to stand and sing, but to turn up with the sole intention of slagging our own players off, or to be sat scrolling Facebook when it’s 1-1 against Milan with 10 mins left. What’s the fucking point in these people being there ?





    If you see anyone actively doing something on their phone please find out what network they're on for me :thup:

  8. 2 minutes ago, joeyt said:


    Think he'll be off in the summer, I think he certainly see himself as a number 1 somewhere unlike Karious who just seems happy to be involved in any role


    Zero issues with him wanting to leave, best of luck to him if he does.

  9. He's good enough as a number two like, there's no doubt about that. There was a cross that he claimed in between two Wolves players in the second half that was very good. He just does the basics very well.

  10. 25 minutes ago, jack j said:


    We've gotta cheek to call these new stadiums soulless


    Today was the worst I've experienced post-takeover. Heron needs more mates in the corner, that's all it is. The random ballot and seating BS has ruined a lot of it. We were clinging on to something before that came into play.

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