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Everything posted by bowlingcrofty

  1. This. How anyone can think we didn't win the league in 92/93 is beyond me. Absolutely beyond me.
  2. I'm one of those because I personally think the slow version (which is nicked off Spurs anyway), is s****, whiny, and drony. Would rather sing the first verse at least, and the chorus of the Blaydon Races slowly if anything. Nail on head. I refuse to join in till it kicks off properly. I'm so sad.
  3. Leazes Corner L7 is the best place in the ground, without a doubt.
  4. Today is almost certainly not the day* *Come on fate, I've temped you now
  5. Heh - Cooper aren't you one of these IDKs?
  6. Fact. What baffles me is why we didn't play on the Tuesday with the rest of the Championship and they didn't play on the Weds with the rest of the Premier League. There'll be some barmy reason out there I guess, like Ant and Dec have a capoeira class at Dancecity on a Tues and the police didn't want to change their plans or something.
  7. Well this thread has taken a small tangent.
  8. Good old Steve McNanaman. Great player. McNanananananananananana, Nicky Nicky Butt...
  9. God..... I wish there was a sensible reason for checking this thread, I really do! There should be a sticky with just one single post which sums up the day's takeover related fun. Leave all the shit in here. Like.
  10. Me old school-mate Dan Graham scored again for Watford
  11. How utterly mind-numbingly depressing is this thread. Seeing optimism, and then seeing it shattered on virtually every page. It's like a microcosm of the NUFC world.
  12. WTF is he on aboot - stop using our club as a billboard for your own stupidity and piss the fuck off.
  13. They can have him for £30m and Messi in return. people would just moan about messi being a shit crosser If Messi had a monumental flaw in his game, he wouldn't be as good as he is. I can't see why people complaining about a winger being unable to score or cross is seen as moaning? It's critical...!
  14. There are no words for this, only will suffice
  15. Where the f*** have you go that apostrophe from yorkie? So's = "so is". Am i the only one what says that? Nope, you're quite right Yorkie. Best peice of info in this thread tbh
  16. Where's Dowie. We need Dowie. I'll be gutted if there's no Dowie. Dowie makes me feel happy about myself when I look in the mirror. I'm uglier than Dowie but even so. I love Dowie.
  17. Fair play ToonTastic - nail on head reet there...
  18. Yes Hughton doesn't even no the postmans shagging his wife behind his back Hughton doesn't even know when he's shagging his wife man
  19. Must...resist...temptation...to...give...a...toss...
  20. You're 2 rows and a few seats to the left of me. When I seen the yellow top I thought I remembered someone on here saying they'd be wearing it in the Leazes corner. Class - I'm like the icon that everyone bases their level 7 position from I'll be in 92/93 home on Weds, look out for me and mattypnufc to my left
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