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Everything posted by TheGuv

  1. TheGuv

    Match Atmosphere

    What’s the lyrics to the Molly Malone version? Never heard of that but know Molly Malone well (more of an Irish rugby song generally)
  2. TheGuv

    Match Atmosphere

    I cut this together a few years back. I’ve been banging on about it for a good few years it seems… I’d say you can start to hear it speeding up a bit by the early 90s but still wayyyyy better than the early 00s when I started going.
  3. TheGuv

    Match Atmosphere

    Because they sing: ”Al’ the lads and lasses there al’ with smilin’ faces, gannin’ alang the Scotswood Road to see the Blaydon Races” The majority sing the chorus to the end of the first verse because they don’t know the correct words. As such, people speed through it quicker and quicker to get to the end…because they don’t know the words. @Heron - I really think Wor Flags should whack a tweet/Facebook post out with this on. And do it every week until people work it out…and sing it slower.
  4. TheGuv

    Match Atmosphere

    Can you post it please?
  5. He seems to have tremendous luck in the ballots this fella. I’ve won one all season and I know plenty who’ve won 0
  6. TheGuv

    St James' Park

    Totally agree with your view on current vocal support predominately being ST holders. But having attended various fan workshops, I really do worry about those at a decision making level. I banged and banged the drum of you have to get like minded fans together and by using the Strawberry Corner as your vocal/standing section you’ll see very few wilfully give up their seats as they want to be part of “something” without necessarily contributing. From what I’ve read this season, it seems there are many in the Corner who are more than happy to make up that number. My view was to have two or three separate sections in undesirable areas of the ground. If you want to make a noise, you’d be more than happy to move. Level 7 Corner was testament to that. I’m not sure how many in the middle tier of the Gallowgate would willingly move seat if that was the option? Now, theoretically say we do get a Dortmund style wall, how many ST holders will want to be in there? I’d guess a fair old whack. Who wouldn’t want to be in the new “home end”? The question is, how do you really get those likeminded fans together? Whilst also allowing a lot of the noise makers back(?) into the ground. Tiered memberships, an undesirable/cheaper section etc etc. It’s obvious we’re going to move. It’s how we move and whether the club will really listen is what really worries me. As based on their current record, they’ve left a hell of a lot to be desired. And because things are going well on the pitch, and the increased revenue a move will bring - will they really be bothered? Probably not…unless we as fans somehow can get our views across.
  7. TheGuv

    St James' Park

    E.g Atmosphere will be better, more revenue will mean we’re better on the pitch (see Spurs), increase likelihood of getting into the ground etc. But understand I’m probably in the minority
  8. TheGuv

    St James' Park

    Apologies I think I took your message out of context then. I’m just very wary of what a new build will bring - and I just don’t think it’ll be the magic potion some think it will be. But I totally understand the pull to a brand spanking new stadium. I’m very intrigued by the new Everton stadium in that they can increase capacity if safe standing legislation were to change. In theory, if we did extend the Gallowgate footprint to make the stadium 60,000, but that with future legislation meant an extra 10,000-15,000 safe standing in Gallowgate/Leazes would increase the capacity to 70-75k would people not be okay with that? I certainly would love it, but I also understand the commercial restrictions in doing so. But if the above did happen, then a fully rebuilt East Stand could be a new Commercial stand with the best boxes and view with a small lower block of safe standing along the pitch? I can but dream.
  9. TheGuv

    St James' Park

    Way to take it out of context as usual.
  10. TheGuv

    St James' Park

    I do wonder how many people want to move to a 65-70k stadium because they think it’ll increase their chance of getting in? I’d like to see the increased chances as a % (because it will increase). But I really don’t think it will be as good as many think it will be. I’ve already resigned myself that I’ll not be getting a season ticket if we stay or go. The atmosphere argument is also an interesting one - but that too has been done to death. But a newer stadium with increased attendance of day trippers and tourists in their thousands, along with the current ageing demographic of 30,000 ST holders won’t do much to change the atmosphere - even if you do make a Dortmund-esque wall. If PSR wasn’t such a cluster fuck of an idea (that may well not be here forever) I also wonder if there’d be such a push to move.
  11. TheGuv

    Match Atmosphere

    Gotcha. Mackems sing it plenty tbf to them!
  12. TheGuv

    Match Atmosphere

    Auld Lang Syne or the other version? (Both are criminally underused)
  13. Yeah absolutely no chance I’m sorry to say your mate didn’t think that one through. You’re not even allowed time for for a wedding midweek unless it’s for a close family member (E.g sibling). So when it’s for a football cup final you’re going to be laughed out of the room. And now he has no room to pull a sickie or another excuse. When I was teaching my Grandad must have died 4 times. Weirdly enough he also happened to live in Kent - which meant I needed a day off for travel and a day off for the funeral.
  14. TheGuv

    Match Atmosphere

    I hate the over-awed excuse. 9000 Whitley Bay fans weren’t over-awed by Wembley in the FA Vase 2009. The whole Whitley Bay end was constantly singing - including a few rousing renditions of “One Johnny Decker” - a tramp who danced for cigarettes There always seems to be an excuse for our fans. “Oh a 12:30 kick off is just too early” ”Oh 3pm kick offs are always bad for atmosphere” ”We were nervous with what was happening on the pitch” Maybe the majority of our fan base are there to spectate and couldn’t give a fuck about singing. As long as they can wave a flag they think they’ve done their bit.
  15. My email request was specifically in regards to NUFC members and asking for a form of hierarchy and loyalty to be provided moving forwards. The reply seems to suggest to me that they are speaking to the club specifically in regards to memberships and not ST holders.
  16. I have asked in my reply that the Trust holds an open forum for Trust members to put forward their ideas to the Club. Hopefully this happens.
  17. Received this from the Trust 👍🏻 Good morning and thank you for your email Chris, it's much appreciated. We all understand the frustrations of members, and we have a board meeting on Monday where we have an agenda item to discuss a forum for NUFC members. We believe it's a great opportunity for members to discuss frustrations and come up with some potential solutions that we can take back to the club. Please do watch this space. Kind regards, Paul Karter
  18. It’s like a Hereditary Peerage. I know of a lad whose grandad had died, he said his mate was his grandson (he wasn’t…) and spoke with the club who allowed him to transfer his ticket and points off him. That was within the last 2-3 seasons.
  19. I have emailed the Trust, requesting them to hold an open forum, in person, for Trust members to air their views on the Club’s current membership system. Ive raised this previously at a Trust AGM but nothing happened. I’m putting it in writing this time, and as a lifetime Trust member, I’m hoping it can be the beginning of a discussion point and then through the proper channels, to lobby the Club to create a hierarchical membership system.
  20. This, this, this. @Gregi know you’re not on the Trust board anymore but do you think they’d even entertain the notion of what Bobby, I and others have been saying for 3 years?
  21. Not sure I’ve got any sympathy for a ST holder that hasn’t entered the cup scheme. Surely you should know the risks by now? Saying that, the Club really need to get a handle on the whole ticketing situation full stop imo.
  22. Interesting that a Club that has reached dozens of finals over the years have a totally different model to ourselves.
  23. 3 years into memberships under the current regime and I’m yet to see them even attempt to bring in a hierarchical process for members like other clubs. It’s basically a lottery with no way of being rewarded for loyalty, yearly membership renewals etc etc. That just HAS to change
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