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Everything posted by PineBarrens

  1. Yes, let's all just sit and wait for the nice, benevolent gentleman to stay at the club for several years without fuss or opposition until he decides to move on, and in the meantime even if he does insist on the team playing in red and white stripes next season, well that's the modern world and tradition be damned. And if the club is re-located to Berkshire, then let's all get behind such a decision for the overall good of the club. Anyhow, as if the likes of the Situationists, The Suffagettes, Rosa Parks, the Tiananmen Square protestors, Oliver Cromwell, William Wilberforce, the founding fathers of the United States of America and the opposition to the rise of Nazism changed anything. Bunch of f***ing losers, the lot of 'em.
  2. Did Harewood appear to have adapted to the surroundings of his new planet yet, similar to how the fellas in 'Earth Girls Are Easy' had to?
  3. PineBarrens

    Sports Direct

    Comparing Mike Ashley to Abramovich is akin to comparing Rik Waller to Smokey Robinson.
  4. PineBarrens

    Sports Direct

    He's quite a bizarre chap, Mr. Ashley - trying to piss off an entire City, intentional or otherwise, is rather silly. All it takes is for some lunatic to take extreme measures and then what? At best, he'll be watching over his shoulder wherever he goes for a long, long time. Strange fella.
  5. Depends on what kind of protest or demonstration takes place; if it's unfurling a geographically incorrect banner around parts of the stadium then that's futile. But to say there's nothing people can do is lazy and ignorant of political and social history.
  6. PineBarrens

    Sports Direct

    How about the former mute Scorsese truth dodger answers these questions: What happened to the 'more than 2 bids of 100 million' bids for the club? How can you expect any utterances from the club to be given credence in light of the PR excercise/mis-leading the fans as revealed in the findings of the adjudication panel? Why, seeing as no other Premiership or Championship club have done so and given the fact we have a multi-millionaire owner, must Newcastle United surrender their heritage in return for at most a few extra million pounds per year? Why, given that his original appointment was previously deemed to be 100% the best decision made by Mike Ashley has Alan Shearer been overlooked for the position of Newcastle United Manager? What was the purpose of your naked streak at St. James' Park? Any reason why neither yourself nor your employer deemed it necessary to be present for either the Bobby Robson testimonial match or his subsquent memorial service? What the f*** is going on with those eyebrows, Derek?
  7. PineBarrens

    Sports Direct

    The complete lack of searching questions or damning criticism of the fucking Bert 'N' Ernie show on Barrack Road - aside from the likes of George Caulkin - has been nothing short of a disgrace.
  8. PineBarrens

    Sports Direct

    Hang the fuckers from the Sports Direct logo.
  9. He's not. He used to write for 'The Mag' in the early nineties.
  10. Just for clarity, the comments aren't true. Hope this helps.
  11. He needs a swift kick to his seeping clunge, the veracity deficient piss-kidney.
  12. Shit tune granted, but it's the kind of tune that can be sung in defiance if your team is getting howked 4-0, something you could not do with the Blaydon Races.
  13. F.C. United are a good example of how a support can back their team with a wide range of songs (a lot of them about Glazer, admittedly, but the point remains). Our offerings are mostly repetitive and dirge-like. We could really do with a made-it-through-the-rain, we'll support you evermore-type anthem a la Blowing Bubbles or Blue Moon, as the Blaydon Races only really works within the context of a celebratory moment.
  14. Irrespective of such conjecture, it would still have returned to the finer points of the contract of employment; If the club had stipulated that he would not have the final say regarding the acquisition of players, they would have won. They didn't and subsquently lost. then again did the club stipulate he would have the final say ? Again, the burden of proof such it were, typically rests with the employer rather than the employee in such cases. Therefore, the bit in the contract about how he would be expected to perform the duties usually associated with the role of a manager (the clincher being the but not limited to). Very careless really, and I suspect the club's legal team knew they were fighting the proverbial lost cause from the outset.
  15. but the mater of what constitutes a mangers role may have been gone into a bit more and it may have came out that managers often do not have the final say on comings and goings. Irrespective of such conjecture, it would still have returned to the finer points of the contract of employment; If the club had stipulated that he would not have the final say regarding the acquisition of players, they would have won. They didn't and subsquently lost.
  16. Would have led to the same outcome, as it was a legal technicality the case was decided upon. Happens quite often in employment law, whereby employers fail to grasp even the basics of a standard contract of employment.
  17. It'd be a terrible shame if Ashley and Lliambias were to be physically harmed. A terrible shame.
  18. Well, they should have thought about that before fucking him over then. It's called justice.
  19. Even compared to the 89/90 season, I can't recall us being this avowedly anti-football. Dung turned up to 11.
  20. Watching Newcastle lately is worse than having to sit through every single episode of Tenko ever made.
  21. Yes, ignore the several changes of manager, the sale of Given and numerous poor performances on the pitch, the reason we were relegated came down to this: a little banner being paraded around a section of the ground against Hull City. Top six if that hadn't happened. Silly banner. And if someone waves a fist in the general direction of Derek Llambias next Saturday, that'll be the turning point of the season and the moment the promotion dream ended.
  22. Some people have put it down to Heathen Chemistry, but it seems harsh to lay the blame for the financial ills of Glasgow Rangers at the the feet of a mediocre Oasis album.
  23. Indeed he is/was, in no small part thanks to the tutelage of a certain fat, bulbous-nosed lesbian, no doubt. Still makes far too many fuck-ups for my liking.
  24. The dig was aimed more at the likes of Bramble than the erstwhile Simpsons Character, who's had a decent season so far in fairness. I still rate Campbell though, the big mentalist that he is.
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