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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Someone mentioned earlier than they will want to play their best assets tonight, for them to get all the cash since administration occurred.
  2. What the f*** is he wearing. edit: http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20100127/toon-in-training-eagerly-awaiting-eagles_2240137_1946075
  3. Harper Gunter Colo Taylor Enrique Whittingham Guthrie Smith Johnson Boyd Amoebi Subs: Olsson, Chopra, Jonas, Nolan, Brunt, Camp, Raylor.
  4. I can see WBA falling away and apart now to be honest. They play too well for them to fall away, but Forest are better.
  5. Can see Forest completely overhauling West Brom now.
  6. I really cannot believe you've posted that!! Youve jinxed it.
  7. Bristol playing at home as well, embarrassing shit.
  8. This is what I call a royal twatting, looks like their confidence will go downhill from this.
  9. Looks like joint top today then.
  10. So thats Weiss, Chung-Yong Lee, Wilshere and Matty Taylor, fucking hell thats a cracking midfield.
  11. Looks like Bristol getting torn a new one then.
  12. Bolton 1-0, Chung-Yung Lee again.
  13. Slowest 45 minutes of football. EVER. Liverpool making Wolves look world class.
  14. Give them a break; They just sold us their best player. Just hate how teams up their game against us like is a cup final and play like utter dogshite against our rivals.
  15. I told you, read the thread title, if they play him they need to pay an extra 1m to watford, Pompey cant afford that. wasn't serious Amir.. like the 500 others before me Sorry, my sarcasm detectors broke, heh, need to buy a new one.
  16. I told you, read the thread title, if they play him they need to pay an extra 1m to watford, Pompey cant afford that.
  17. Good.. encouraged by GG's reports on him.. still, isn't it a bit strange that he hasn't featured for Pompey at all? Read thread title.
  18. I just fucking hope its not Bolton or Burnley which is most likely.
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