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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Aye but he put his bairn in a scum kit. There is no way on earth any sane parent would do that, and seeing as the kid was tiny I am sure the mackems wouldn't have noticed if the bairn just had an outfit from Next on. Why put a bloody scum kit on a kid? Social Services should have been involved So what, he didnt score a clear open chance on purpose, otherwise the mackems wouldnt shut the fuck up on doing the double.
  2. To be honest, I dont mind him, he blatantly still loves us, the way he blatantly fluffed that open goal against us last season at SJP.
  3. "Hard place to come........." "Made us work for it............" "This group of lads..........." "Would've taken a point beforehand............" + "If there was one side that was going to win it..........."
  4. He's scared of them. Agreed, its the only reason I see him sticking with them, anyone with half a brain knows its about time they should be dropped by now.
  5. Amir_9

    Danny Guthrie

    If you ask me, he is delivering and playing out of his position, I mean hes got 9 assists or so this season and two goals of his own, but the fact that he has nobody in central midfield to actually help him out is the worrying thing.
  6. The only reason he hasnt dropped Nolan is because hes our top scorer, but fair enough, hes been utter dogshit for a while now, Smith offers nothing in attack and Butt just offers nothing at all, we need a CREATIVE MIDFIELDER and a STRIKER to accompany Lovenkrands badly.
  7. I've met him once, was kind enough to take a picture with me. Heh.
  8. Because we've only got Kadar, Colo and Williamson at CB? There's no reason why he couldn't bring in both. We can shift Kadar to RB, I know its not his position, but Fitz Hall isnt exactly setting the world alight at his original position at CB never mind RB. I very much doubt Ashley would sanction deals for both.
  9. What I want to understand today is: 1) Why did he start Butt 2) Why did Lovenkrands not play at all 3) Why did he not bring in a central creative midfielder instead of Fitz Hall 4) Why does he persist on playing 4-4-1-1 and 4-5-1, teams have found us out with that system, its always when we switch to 4-4-2 were at our most dangerous, but he does it too late. 5) Why did Jonas not even get 10-15 minutes under his belt today 6) Why does he insist of starting Smith/Butt ahead of Guthrie in central midfield, and in todays case, BOTH of them.
  10. Harper 7 - Good saves today Taylor 5.5 - Cant pass at all, his crossing is hit and miss. Williamson 8 - Solid, MOTM for me. Colo 8 - Same as Williamson Van Aaholt 6.5 - Huffed and Puffed, has a stinging cross on him and a good shot as well. Routledge 6 - Should have passed that ball back to Carroll, he shot with an impossible angle. Butt 1 - Fuck off man. Smith 5 - Alright, he offers nothing, nothing at all, only good defensively. Guthrie 6 - Play him in the middle, or you might as well not play him. Nolan 4.5 - Invisible, tired and unfit. Carroll 5 - Won headers, but apart from that was poor. Cannot play up on his own. Ranger 5 - His shooting and finishing is VERY hit and miss, I wouldnt bet on him scoring some of the easiest chances. Pancake 6 - Better than Smith when he came on.
  11. Well, it does, we've proven that. But not by doing it like we did today. Just ridiculous. We looked good in the last 15 minutes when we switched to 4-4-2, Routledge and Jonas on the wings, Lovenkrands and Amoebi/Ranger in attack is what we need to start doing.... I have no clue who to put in central midfield, their all plonkers.
  12. Defence = Solid MOTHERFUCKERS IN FRONT OF DEFENCE = DOGSHIT Why the fuck did Butt play the whole game, no Loven, no Jonas? and by the way, Carroll's dogshit
  13. I dont want Carroll off, hes cleared their corners and free kicks more than once, Bring on Jonas and Loven come on ffs.
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