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Everything posted by sparkzter

  1. Just seen the interview with king Kenny. He does nothing but fuel the hatred for Liverpool. If I was his boss I'd be going mental at the way he represents the club. Who the fuck does he think he is? He has a duty to respond to interviewers in a professional manner for his own fans. Vile twisted bloke, deserves so much more shit than he has had.
  2. At work so not watching the game. Is Ba really that bad today so far?
  3. Man city = choke artists, many coupons will be bust today due to them. Good bounce back by Sunlin after their no show in the cup game - fait play. Tossers!!
  4. Didn't that idiot Collymore have us to go down!?
  5. Everytime - I dont know another team that can self destruct like us, nervy 40 mins for us coming up
  6. Come on boro - all West Ham so far. Would be amazing if fat SAMs team didn't get promoted.
  7. I though he was poor again. Not been great since man utd.
  8. sparkzter

    Alan Pardew

    It's obviously instructional - Krul never looks for it short. However we are going to have to learn to move if we are ever going to pass it about, dunno how many games recently I've seen our players rooted like trees.
  9. sparkzter

    Hoof ball

    Really got to stop this shit hoof ball. We have the players to pass it about, even if we just started playing it out from Krul short would be better. We never retain the ball when we punt it forward. Dunno if I can face next season if this is gonna be Pardews one trick tactic, utter shit football
  10. Hope these tits ripping down the signs get banned. No doubt kids acting up and making the fans look like idiots
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