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Everything posted by Dyeyzzon

  1. Gameweek 25: Liverpool 0-1 Arsenal Aston Villa 1-1 West Ham Chelsea 2-0 Newcastle Crystal Palace 1-0 West Brom Norwich 0-3 Man City Southampton 1-0 Stoke Sunderland 2-0 Hull Swansea 1-1 Cardiff Tottenham 1-1 Everton Man Utd 2-0 Fulham
  2. Can't we just forfeit a la FIFA for this to be just 3-0?
  3. Dyeyzzon


    Johnson would win them the cup. Against his old club n' all.
  4. Dyeyzzon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    On the positive side his once ineffectual set piece deliveries seemed slightly better today.
  5. Still far from getting to grips with the league? Because he's had a lot of time to do so? He will get there in time. I'm just emphasizing that, while he has promise, it might still be some time before we get the best out of him. Credit to LDJ, did decently for someone out for some time.
  6. Think he got into good positions and provides better link up play than any of our forwards. Seems still far from getting to grips with the pace of this league though.
  7. Screw winning this fixture, I just want us to play like we give a fuck.
  8. Credit to sunlun. I wish we had a team (and management and further up) who cared like they do.
  9. Don't worry, when we last lost our best player on deadline day before we had "this group of lads" to fight back. Oh wait...
  10. GW24 Newcastle 2-1 Sunderland West Ham 0-1 Swansea Cardiff 2-1 Norwich Everton 2-0 Aston Villa Fulham 1-2 Southampton Hull 1-2 Tottenham Stoke 1-3 Man Utd West Brom 1-3 Liverpool Arsenal 3-0 Crystal Palace Man City 2-1 Chelsea
  11. Indeed, a tall fucker to aim balls into to score, should bode well with Pards
  12. Would be s*** like if those figures are Euros instead of Pounds.
  13. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1886885-should-luuk-de-jongs-bundesliga-failure-concern-premier-league-suitors/page/2 Couldn't find anything else that sheds a bit of light on his failings in Germany.
  14. Hmmm, scored 37 goals in 97 apps there, that's not ok ? Decent record, though he had a glass knee way back then.
  15. Not quite sure which way we'd slot him in Tiote Anita Sissoko Ben Arfa Remy de Jong Tiote Sissoko Anita Ben Arfa Remy/Gouffran de Jong Tiote Anita Sissoko Gouffran de Jong Remy
  16. Let's hope he doesn't come in and hit 20 goals, aye. Well, I just hope Gladbach was just a case of him not being cut out for their league. He seemed to score when it mattered, but seemed isolated at times. Proper centre forward though, not like Remy who's being played out of his favored left side.
  17. I've a soft spot for Gladbach and seen them a bit, but this could be Cisse Mk II easily. Not that excited at all.
  18. GW 23: Man Utd 1-0 Cardiff Norwich 1-2 Newcastle Southampton 1-1 Arsenal Swansea 2-0 Fulham Crystal Palace 0-0 Hull Liverpool 2-2 Everton Aston Villa 1-1 West Brom Chelsea 3-0 West Ham Sunderland 0-0 Stoke Tottenham 1-1 Man City
  19. GW22: Sunderland 1-1 Southampton Arsenal 4-0 Fulham Crystal Palace 1-2 Stoke Man City 4-1 Cardiff Norwich 1-1 Hull West Ham 1-2 Newcastle Liverpool 3-1 Aston Villa Swansea 2-2 Tottenham Chelsea 2-0 Man Utd West Brom 0-1 Everton
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