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Everything posted by Froggy

  1. You'd think having spent almost four years in England he'd be able to speak enough to get through a basic interview. The interviewers never seem to speak slowly mind. I remember an interview with Tevez and the interviewer was asking questions with words that were clearly too hard for him to understand. He hadn't a clue.
  2. He's class. One of the most consistent deliverers of a football in the league. I like him, just never noticed he'll only use his right foot. He always, always uses his right. The defenders should know that too. Everytime he turns it's onto his right and never his left yet he still gets the space to get the cross in. It does help that he's extremely fast of course. He wasn't cheap but I think he's been a good investment when it came to trying to replace Ronaldo.
  3. Can't say it wasn't deserved. It's been constant pressure.
  4. He put a fair amount of goals on a plate for Rooney last season. Can't use his left but I think he's an efficient winger in terms of beating the man and crossing. Interesting stat there. Rafael has scored twice for Manchester United, away against Arsenal and at home against Wigan. His twin Fabio has also scored twice, at home to Arsenal and away to Wigan.
  5. Valencia has to be the most one-sided/footed player I've ever seen. He just cannot use his left foot.
  6. Looks good that one. The only dodgy one for me is Sunderland but they have to come out of the slump sooner or later, right?
  7. Anderson's cheesy grin with that SkySports line up thing is quality. Jimmy Bullard's outtakes with it still leave me howling to this day
  8. He buried most things that night. Superb finishing. I remember him getting a standing ovation from the home fans when he came off.
  9. I reckon Maicon is much better than him, similar going forward but Maicon is a much better defender. Bad choice of words though I should have said I don't rate him as highly as most people. My bad. Looks set for penalties here. Low key extra time. Anyone else notice how brutal the scoreboard is?
  10. Good tackle by Alves. I still don't really rate him that much. Barca paid £26million or so for him too. Good save from Pinto. Madrid with a bit of pressure, probably the first bit for the entire half.
  11. Shocking going down like that after barely getting touched. He thinks he's Rivaldo.
  12. He was actually a good bit off. Good call.
  13. If your head is offside but your feet aren't, it's still offside, isn't it? That looked a very close call.
  14. 3-1 to Chelsea. Torres had another 25 minutes. 14 appearances and no goals now or something silly like that.
  15. Bad decision for the penalty but a few good saves to make up for it afterwards. He only just turned 21 on Monday too. Plenty of potential there.
  16. I was basically neutral for both games and I doubt this would be match of the season. This could end 4-4 too but it wasn't 4-0 to one team at one stage. A remarkable comeback like that can't be overlooked. This is an absolutely stunning game of football though. 3-3 and Modric and Fabregas having two great chances after it. There's bound to be more goals in this!
  17. Watching the London derby. Great game so far, end to end stuff and both goals were great passes, great runs and great finishes. Thoroughly enjoying it.
  18. The first scoreless draw (previous to this one) that comes to my mind was at OT when Tim Howard took out Shearer's legs without even coming close to touching the ball and the ref deemed it a goal kick. Probably explains why I can't remember it.
  19. I'm new to the forum and I'm not sure if it's welcome, but I'm a Manchester United fan. I know a guy on here and the forum has been absolutely fantastic outside of football chat, but I've ventured in here as I'm interested in all opinions in regards to games. I thought neither penalty claims were actual penalties, though Lovenkrands most certainly had more of a case. He's not the best finisher in the world. I reckon your defence is solid and if you sign a top quality striker to replace Andy Carroll, you'll stay up with ease again next year (yes, 40 is enough). Odemwingie and Rodallega are potential cheap, top quality buys should their respective clubs go down. We're not too used to scoreless draws between our sides. Myself and a friend were talking about that tonight. When is the last time a scoreless draw happened between the sides? I can't remember it for the life of me but maybe I'm being a little stupid.
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