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Everything posted by PENKAAA

  1. The reason it wasn't in was because i think they chose each Goal of The Month and stuck them all in as contenders for Goal Of The Season. I think Wayne Rooney's overhead kick against Man City beat Tiote's volley for winner of March's Goal Of The Month.
  2. He's got nowt on HBA in trunks.

    Players in public

    Good old Bill Bell!
  4. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20110628/ivory-power-scoops-goal-of-the-season_2281670_2382907 Congratulations Cheik
  5. It says in the Chronicle today that all three new signings (Cabaye, Ba and Marveaux) have all bought houses over here already, which is great to hopefully help them integrate more.

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I can't wait till he's back playing, words can't describe my love for this man. Man Love, it exists, you know.

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's Keiron Dyer!
  8. Do you think he is worth £2m Oldtype?
  9. Lille could learn a few things from these Koreans...
  10. It's all relative really, Samuels could describe Jan Molby and Mick Quinn as lightweights with a straight face... They are compared to him. http://www.newcomicreviews.com/temp/familyguy/BA-ZING.gif
  11. It doesn't matter that he's 29 though. Age only counts against you if your fitness is poor, like Nolan's situation. Colo could play well into his 30's imo.
  12. Man love. It exists. || \||/ ""
  13. The article said that he was signed as "competition" to Jonas. Ah.
  14. Obviously that is a matter of opinion, still be fun to watch the big fat hairy ignorant orangutan fired out of a cannon into the north face of everest, when the sherpas see him, that really emphasise the word abominable, which is a word that i tend to use when i describe his writing, the bulbous yeti faced fat headed gimp.
  15. I'm sure it said in the chronicle/journal article regarding Marveaux that he would be back-up to Jonas.
  16. Cabaye is definitely not a lightweight.
  17. Fucking hell, i forgot about that!
  18. Alnwick (sp) is supposed to be a decent prospect as well. Jak Alnwick? I used to go to school with him, he was in my class. And yeah he's a great keeper.
  19. I nicked it from here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX_HknFqw9Q I was watching that today and only realised then that your avatar was actually him.
  20. Thanks for the help but... no i'm not going to put my picture as an avatar lol ! Why do you not put YOUR picture as your avatar ? It's a forum rule that your first avatar has to be a picture of yourself. After one week, you can change it. Your mother never told you that lying was a bad thing lol ? Your mother never tell you to obey the rules?
  21. Thanks for the help but... no i'm not going to put my picture as an avatar lol ! Why do you not put YOUR picture as your avatar ? It's a forum rule that your first avatar has to be a picture of yourself. After one week, you can change it.

    Players in public

    What do you mean? EDIT: And nice little story I'm assuming he means we can expect to see Captain Colo next season. I just thought that he was going to actually tell us who it was...

    Players in public

    What do you mean by that? EDIT: And nice little story
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