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Everything posted by PENKAAA

  1. Linked with the Mackems recently
  2. If Benin get an equaliser i think the commentator will explode

    Nile Ranger

    Like many others, i think Ranger should be loaned out to a Championship club rather than sold. Carroll's playing time in the Championship improved him no end and he was then able to make the step up to the Premiership. I genuinely believe he is around the level of ability that Carroll showed 2 years ago when he was the same age as Ranger. He will become a good player if he keeps his head down and works hard, gaining experience from loan move.


    you know something they don't ? No, i'm just pointing out that NOTW is a rag of a newspaper and they spout rubbish. and so do we. We don't get paid for it surely that makes us the mugs ? I wouldn't say so. Some people on here do a better job than them at getting stories. You would think that their profession would mean they are credible sources and at least some of the transfers they reveal are correct.


    or maybe NOTW reporters (Arsenal fans) want to put the story out to put doubt in Gervinho's mind I doubt Gervinho is a big NOTW reader like


    you know something they don't ? No, i'm just pointing out that NOTW is a rag of a newspaper and they spout rubbish. and so do we. We don't get paid for it


    you know something they don't ? No, i'm just pointing out that NOTW is a rag of a newspaper and they spout rubbish.
  8. Concluded that this guy is another gobshite child. Definitely. I forgot there's already a thread for this sort of stuff
  9. Football_Agent9 Football Agent Vive la france! #LFC abandon #NUFC left back Ennrique and persue Aly Cissokho from Lyon. Top player, tactically...inept though. (Posted in José's thread also)
  10. Football_Agent9 Football Agent Vive la france! #LFC abandon #NUFC left back Ennrique and persue Aly Cissokho from Lyon. Top player, tactically...inept though.
  11. *Searches google news Boukary Drame* What a surprise, it was mentioned on a few websites yesterday. What a prat he is. No, he just looked at Football_Agent9's profile then immediately regurgitated his nonsense
  12. Must be itk then... His next two posts: Football_Agent9 Football Agent Boukary Dramé ... Once Enrique goes. #NUFC @Football_Agent9 Football Agent @ZakMulla He's a very attacking. That's if Enrique goes..


    You're such a massive hypocrite. One post you say you don't want such a high turnover of players because it's important to keep a core of players together, now you're adocating selling key components of our first XI to fund new signings. Make your f***ing mind up. I think that of the midfield he's the only truly replaceable one. The rest are integral. Bollocks. Of course, I'm sure if Jonas was John Granger and Nolan was Kaka Nolina you'd be saying differently


    I wouldn't be surprised if forster did go to Celtic mind, if that's the 'shock'. Pardew was quoted as saying Forster would be fighting for his place at Newcastle
  15. Surely SSN or others would have picked up on it if it were a big move such as Tiote/Enrique
  16. It's obviously outgoing seeing as it's their exclusive story.
  17. Would love it if Barton replaced him. They hate each other

    Players in public

    Well he is in town at the moment so chances are it was him. Chances are..
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