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Everything posted by LRD

  1. Ayoze does not have a direct player profile link. #hesgone
  2. LRD

    Paul Dummett

    If Kenedy comes in, that might make things more interesting in terms of formation though.
  3. LRD

    Paul Dummett

    Think we will get murdered playing that tbh. Our team simply isn't suited for 3 atb.
  4. LRD

    Paul Dummett

    Gayle Joselu/Mitro Ritchie Merino Hayden Atsu Manquillo Clark Lascelles Mbemba Darlow
  5. LRD

    Paul Dummett

    Could be Gamez at LB, Clark and Lascelles in the middle.
  6. Let's just quietly forget about Sels, Laazar and Gomez I assume you mean Gamez?, who Benitez signed for almost nowt (or was it actually nowt?) as cover and was available all season as cover, so nothing at all wrong with that signing. Sels was a mistake as was Lazaar apparently. But if making two mistakes out of like 15-16 signings means a manager doesn't know his stuff then good luck finding a single manager ever who did. Sels was supposedly a Carr recommendation anyway Aye.
  7. Name one manager who hasn't made the odd s*** signing? Especially when you are pretty much restricted to signing players in the 0-5m bracket. If Rafa was given 15m to spend on a striker, you think he wants to go down the list to Joselu?
  8. Think Ashley would snap your hands off at that now. He's clearly fed up, Sports Direct doesn't need as much exposure as it used too, especially now that it's paying for it, and he doesn't want to have to put his money in it and his f*** up's ate requiring him to do just that whenever we go down. No,he's not. He's enjoying pasting tv money on his wallpaper while mocking the club, the city, the fans, the manager and everything associated with Newcastle United. He's enjoying it man. Did he seem fed up in this recent interviews?
  9. Is it Groo who's heading NO atm?
  10. Thank f***. Not sure if that was in response to the sweepstakes or an actual situation.
  11. Might need to face the TV mate to be honest. So you know he deliberately trod on his ankle then? Despite him not looking in that direction? He was trying to do,it under the radar man ffs. That's why he wasn't looking at it directly. So people/the ref then are saying it's deliberate on reputation then? That's kind of my whole point. Did he deliberately pretend it was an accident or was it an accident? Why didn't he take his foot away when he felt Alli's ankle under him? Maybe he didn't feel it? I don't know. Bearing in mind Shelvey was consoling Alli when he was trying to get the ball. Again had that been let's say Gary Lineker in the same situation as Shelvey, would the punishment be the same?
  12. It's so clearly deliberate. And you don't have to look at someone directly to do something. Someone could elbow you without looking straight at you man.
  13. LRD


    Sign this cunt now.
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