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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. Where do you hear about Barton? @MetroRadioNews Metro Radio News Alan Pardew says he's hopeful Joey Barton and Shola Ameobi will play in the Everton match. Stephen Ireland still doubtful #nufc Fuck! Ideally Ireland should have been a reserve. Doubt Barton will last the whole match..
  2. This Disagree. Have seen Leeds a couple of times. And I think Gradel is a better player. First of all, Gradel works like an idiot, second he's a decent finisher, with 12 goals as a winger/attacker. Routledge on the other hand shoots like a newborn. Third, Gradel is able to cross, which Routledge is totally incapable of. He's similar in Rouledge in that he tends to make football more difficult than it is sometimes. But overall, Gradel is a better player. You obviously didn't watch Routledge last season. He takes the absolute piss out of the Championship, but it's probably his level - just like it's Gradel's. Nor has he watched Routledge at QPR this - Out performing Gradel. Routledge is a better player all round imo That Routledge is ruling the Wankership, doesn't mean that he will master PL better than Gradel. Routledge has again and again showed that he doesn't have the technique, brain, physique or working capability to master PL. Gradel on the other hand works much harder, is tougher in the duels (despite his limited body) and shoots/crosses 10 times better.
  3. Riise is too good to sit on the bench imo. If we sell Enrique, Riise could replace him. And we could buy a young left back as backup. Riise would be an exemplary model for the younger ones in our group. For Riise to replace Enrique defensively we'd need the young 'back up' LB on the pitch the same time! Hehe. Nobody matches Enrique mano against mano, but he also got weaknesses that Riise doesn't have. So
  4. Riise is too good to sit on the bench imo. If we sell Enrique, Riise could replace him. And we could buy a young left back as backup. Riise would be an exemplary model for the younger ones in our group.
  5. Never going to happen. Riise doesn't fit our bill. Not saying it's true at all, but how does he not fit our bill? If he's a free agent, I'd say he fits our bill exactly. Please include an explanation of how Lovenkrands does fit our bill in your answer. FFS! Are you trying to provoke an argument or what? Loven was bought right after we were relegated. We needed him, because he was cheap, and out of contract, and we were broke. With the already stated proviso that we are only talking about speculative rumour here - as I understand it the model the club is working to is that they won't pay big money for any player over 25. So if Riise is knocking about on a free and on a manageable wage then there is no obvious reason why he wouldn't be a target from that perspective. Good point. He's on a manageable wage I think. As long as he comes cheap, I have no objections. He's one of the most serious footballers around. In every club he's been in, he has been above everybody stamina-wise. And he got a left foot that's actually improving for each year. A free kick outside the box is a big chance if you have Riise on your team.
  6. Considering that he mostly plays out wide, that's impressive statistics..
  7. Never going to happen. Riise doesn't fit our bill. Not saying it's true at all, but how does he not fit our bill? If he's a free agent, I'd say he fits our bill exactly. Please include an explanation of how Lovenkrands does fit our bill in your answer. FFS! Are you trying to provoke an argument or what? Loven was bought right after we were relegated. We needed him, because he was cheap, and out of contract, and we were broke.
  8. "The player has three years left to run on his contract, but with PSV in severe financial trouble they are prepared to listen to offers for any player." Excellent, maybe we can get him on the cheap.
  9. Regions don't matter when you play DVD on your laptop. The dvd-player itself is region free. It's the program that you use to watch the dvd with that f***s you up region wise. But that can be solved by downloading a DVD-player that handles all regions.. Download VLC-player. It's small and free, takes about every codec and discs on this planet, DVDs and all regions included http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
  10. Never going to happen. Riise doesn't fit our bill. He 30, although highly professional and well trained. Due to his seriousness, I figure he will last another 3-4 seasons, unless he's injured..
  11. Watch Keegan's interview after the Chelsea game, hardly sounds like a man who wants to buy big in the summer... I base my opinions on track record. Keegans was pretty good in the transfer Market and got us to 2nd in the league. Ashley got us relegated. your brain will explode if we finish top half this season........... fred was lower mid table and ytaking us backwards, ashleys turned it round and we are going forwards....cant accept it...cant accept it! ask gimp, ive been predicting a good finish since end of last season. I just think its despite Ashley- not because of him. Neh. But I'll meet you half way though. Eg. I'm more likely to conclude that the reasons why Carroll rose to stardom were a combination of three factors a) our relegation b)Shola getting injured and c) our economical situation. Those combined forced the club to play Carroll, and they were hardly planned. The relegation allowed Carroll to blossom in a league not as demanding as PL, and he was given time to build confidence (again because we had no other alternatives or money to replace him). But the dire economical situation in the club forced the owner to shift focus: from expensive players to talents. And Carroll's success gave them even more incentives to continue this work. Instead of buying players with big names, it was focused on players fitting our famous profile. And in addition to that, they had to be great lads too, who actually want to play for the club. The purchases of Tiote is in this respect a good example. In order to make such bargains, a scouting structure with good competence must be established. Yes, he was recommended, but still groundwork had to be done, and he wasn't a regular starter in Holland. So this is an example of a deliberate strategy from MA, that seems to be successful. Another example is the salary restrictions, which again is a deliberate strategy that now starts to pay off. In combination, there are things happening in the club because of Ashley. But it's not sure that strong focus on talents etc ,would have been done without the relegation. That was the necessary impetus. And the relegation was a combination of many factors such as a club in turmoil, player incompetence and margins that didn't go our way in many matches.
  12. Dyer only seemed to be at his best when he was coming back from injury, which to be fair, was quite aften. He seemed to regain his fitness and then just slacken off. Dyer could have been a fearsome player if he had some end product. He was a terrible finisher. But when it came to speed, stamina and agility he was superb. He dominated more and more as the game progressed since all the opponents got tired, while he didn't-
  13. Glen Johnson is a decent crosser of the ball and Meireless is f***ing amazing, him or Gerrard could easily drift out and float a few in during the course of the game, plus I think Barton only crossed to Carroll once from the right to grab an assist (West Ham away), the rest coming from free kicks and corners, of which Gerrard and Meireles are more than calable of taking. I've never thought of Johnson as a decent crosser, he's better in attack then defense though. Mereles is good yes, but again, he's a DM with a good shot, not a man for the fantastic pass. Carroll is a man that will tear the defense in pieces if given the right balls, but as already mentioned, they have dirk kuyt on the right, and gerrad on the left, that isn't wing play tbh.
  14. MA didn't appoint Pardew so he could veto him. If a manager decides to sell or buy a player, he needs a sanction from the board, since this is a major decision for a club. This goes for all managers. However, the manager's clout my be of significance. The board will probably listen more to a Wenger or a SAF than a Pardew. This may especially be of importance when there's no actor owns the majority of the stock. MA on the other hand, owns every stock in NUFC, so he doesn't need to take this into consideration. There may of course be disagreement within the board, but when big daddy says enough is enough, the rest listens. Most managers do of course have a say when players are to be sold or bought. And they have probably a decisive voice too. BUT, they do not have a veto. That is the same as saying that a manager can override the board, taking on ECONOMICAL responsibilities that the club cannot handle. If a club needs to sell, due to the economical situation, he cannot veto this. But the board will probably inform the manager how much costs need to be reduced, and ask him to choose players accordingly. So in this case, the manager functions more as an advisor. On the other hand, the situation may be different if the manager is granted a specific sum to purchase players for. In this situation, he will probably have a de facto veto over which players to buy. The sanction from the board will be only a formality. The real battle was fought previously, when deciding how MUCH to buy for. When this amount was set, the manager had only a advisory role, where he informed the board how much he needs to continue. The ultimate decision on the other hand, lied with the board and not the manager. In sum, there's no such thing as a veto, and MA role is special since he's sole owner of the club. He can accept and reject bids regardless of who's running the club. The question that needs to be asked is, did he choose Pardew because he knew that he would offer less resistance than a more prolific manager? That he probably did. And Pardew's acceptance of an irregular contract (very result oriented) could also be a significant factor
  15. Punk77

    Players in public

    My sentiments exactly!
  16. Punk77

    Players in public

    Always makes me feel better to read this kind of thing. f*** me! Stop tearing down my stereotypes for the Man U players.
  17. Routledge main problem is that he's doing things waay to difficult. He tends to wait until the opponent is close to him before dribbling. But then he's easy to take out due to his tiny body. Secondly, I doubt that his crossing is caused by a mental block. It's his technique which is causing him problems. He tends to hit them too high and too weak. When he's in a good crossing position, he often stops up and waits. That of course makes it harder for him to cross, and makes it easier to close him down. In such situations, generally it's much better that he uses his speed to advance on goal or tries to deliver the ball at first or second posts. His job is to deliver the ball into dangerous areas, if our players are not there, that is not his fault.
  18. I wonder how Carroll is going to score goals for that shit team..They have no Barton to serve him the crossers he needs. Gerrard plays CM or LM these days..
  19. This Disagree. Have seen Leeds a couple of times. And I think Gradel is a better player. First of all, Gradel works like an idiot, second he's a decent finisher, with 12 goals as a winger/attacker. Routledge on the other hand shoots like a newborn. Third, Gradel is able to cross, which Routledge is totally incapable of. He's similar in Rouledge in that he tends to make football more difficult than it is sometimes. But overall, Gradel is a better player.
  20. The reason why we got him on the cheap has nothing to do with his football abilities, but him being what someone may term a bad seed. According to some rapports this is an unfair assumption. There's a reason why Wenger talks about HBA as on of the greatest French talents, and why we now see an influx of Frenchmen attending matches and registering on this forum: He's an insanely good player.
  21. It's very easy too see the difference? Before, the talent development was non existing. Every reinforcement had to be bought. We didn't produce one single player. Now the club is abound with talent, and we have done some seriously good bargains. Tiote, Gosling and HBA are all proof of the new policy. And look at the players we developed or are developing: Ranger, Vukic, Ferguson and Carroll. After Blackpool we have the highest concentration of british players in our team. This is exactly what Arsenal has been doing for years:scout Europe, finding cheap players and turning them into stars. And MA has previously stated that he had to deal some players to balance the books. But the huge sum we got for Carroll probably saved us from selling more players than him. Now we're able to keep all our assets, as long as they want to stay. Jumping the gun a little with those examples. Gosling has barely kicked a ball in anger, and HBA hasn't done much more. Of the youngsters, I'm sure Carroll was here before MA, and the other three are nothing more than kids with potential- at this stage. Oh come on, just to prove your point, you're actually saying that HBA is not a bargain! Blame De Jong. Second if it wasn't for the focus on talents, it's likely that Carroll never would have gotten a chance, because the club had not the competence to spot his potential.
  22. It's very easy too see the difference? Before, the talent development was non existing. Every reinforcement had to be bought. We didn't produce one single player. Now the club is abound with talent, and we have done some seriously good bargains. Tiote, Gosling and HBA are all proof of the new policy. And look at the players we developed or are developing: Ranger, Vukic, Ferguson and Carroll. After Blackpool we have the highest concentration of british players in our team. This is exactly what Arsenal has been doing for years:scout Europe, finding cheap players and turning them into stars. And MA has previously stated that he had to deal some players to balance the books. But the huge sum we got for Carroll probably saved us from selling more players than him. Now we're able to keep all our assets, as long as they want to stay.
  23. Agreed! That really reflect the negativity that some is harboring. Instead of focusing on the joy of having extended the contract of what in imo is the buy of the season, they end up talking about him leaving us. What good will that lead to? Stop being so fucking depressing and enjoy the moment.
  24. What did he say like? Pardew said: “We’ll have Stephen and Shola back next week and be better for it. Hopefully we’ll have Joey back, but we’ll see.” If all three could have some role in the Everton match, that's fantastic. Will improve our winning chances a bit.
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