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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. True, I think he should have waited with those commentaries. Unless he's spot on, such utterances are only going to destroy his reputation. And the drop could now be significant since the the transfers have yet to be concluded. MA could be liable to spend money just to prove KK wrong. Oh aye, like Ashley has run the club according to anything other than his own agenda these last three and a half years. And if you had any real feel for the history of our club, you'd know it would take more than KK having one pop at a discredited regime, based on bitter personal experience, to destroy his reputation up here. The truly alarming thing is that Llambias feels compelled to have a pop back. He doth protest too much... Been a supporter since 93, so I've been through some of the Keegen days. But since I'm a Norwegian and not a native supporter, my feelings are probably more connected to the club itself more than to specific persons.
  2. f*** me! "Bullox and s***?" It's impossible for me to argue against such wizards of polemics. I fold my hand.
  3. Kalou is on high wages, and will see NUFC as a step down. That could be a motivation killer. We've not had good experience with such players before. But I'm all about getting the unused talents from the "bigger clubs" such as Sturredge and Aanholt.
  4. I think we're going to win this with big numbers, again. 4-0 !
  5. Hell no! Kalou is too inefficient in front of goal, and have a tendency to make the incorrect choices: dribbling instead of passing to players in obviously better placed positions, which is something I really hate. Read some interesting in the Norwegian papers yesterday about the Scottish League, which is in a negative spiral.. The Norwegian interviewed, played both in Championship and Scotland, and according to him, the former is a stronger league than the latter. No wonder then why Boyd is on the bench for Boro, and why Cooper has no problem adopting to the "pace" of Scotland Here's the article: Click on the blue url to the right to have it translated to English. COPY THE WHOLE STRING, don't just klick on it.. http://translate.google.com/#no|en|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dagbladet.no%2F2011%2F01%2F02%2Fsport%2Ffotball%2Fskottland%2Fceltic%2Frangers%2F14752440%2F
  6. True, I think he should have waited with those commentaries. Unless he's spot on, such utterances are only going to destroy his reputation. And the drop could now be significant since the the transfers have yet to be concluded. MA could be liable to spend money just to prove KK wrong.
  7. I think we will have a seriously good end to the season. We've played some seriously good matches without getting the deserved points, so our margins will go our way from now on. And of course, we've got players back from injury too..
  8. :lol: Fucking class. If we sign him, we don't have to worry about him getting injured when on national duty. As Pardew said, Ireland is an emotional guy. And what's wrong about that? I actually admire Ireland and Barton for being candid and expressing what they feel is missing from todays football. It's much better to have such types on board than the soulless who only care about money and utters just standard phrases to satisfy who ever they're talking to.
  9. And the fact that we paid almost nothing for him makes the satisfaction of seeing him play so much better. If we bought him for £15-20 mill, one expects that he perform every match. I'm stunned how good he's actually. His passing ability is just utterly unique for his position which makes him our most valuable player. More important to keep him than Carroll.
  10. Darn, his heady is just as shiny and beautiful as Tiote's.
  11. I think fanzone is only for the televised games. This one was on Saturday 3pm. Man, that sucks! We've been robbed for a legendary recording!
  12. Have searched through skysports.com for the fanzone video from this match without results. Anyone seen it? Or does it exist at all?
  13. Hilarious. He obviously is not returning to Villa. The lad has a point. Villa is an idiot club that use most of their income on salaries. And Shitty is obviously ruining football. I'm glad he's blabbing away. That will scare all other clubs, except us, from buying him. And again, we'll get a class player on the cheap. With our TLC he'll be class in no time..
  14. We tried to renew the contract with Owen..Luckily for us he didn't sign our proposal. As we tried well before we were relegated how exactly did it force us to get rid of him? "Forced" was probably a bad choice of word regarding Owen. But my point is that the relegation forced the club to amend their transfer policy.. It obviously showed that buying "big names" was not not good for the club.
  15. Yes, that would have been the most likely result if our promotion had failed. And you're spot on regarding Smith and Nolan. Although Smith's quality on the pitch has not been the best this year, his role both on and off the pitch during our Championship season should never be forgotten. Chris' role would have been so much harder without Smith and Nolan.
  16. We tried to renew the contract with Owen..Luckily for us he didn't sign our proposal.
  17. Considering who's written the article, one should be a bit sceptical. But still, I feel that the story in someway reflects what did happen after the relegation. We had tons of mediocre players on heavy salaries. And the club was knee deep in debt. The most logical thing to do in that situation is offload the big earners to a reduced price. But sadly for us, few players impressed in our relegation season. That made it hard for us to unload Colo, Enrique, Caroll, Barton and Smith . This is quite ironic, because those players transformed their play in Wankership and became crucial in securing our promotion. So MA original strategy had to be dumped, Instead of offloading everything, he was forced to plow money into the club to pay the heavy salaries of Colo and co, hoping that they would take us straight back to PL. Luckily for us, that worked. In hindsight, I must say that the season in Wankership was good for the club. It forced us to get rid of the likes of Owen, Martins and Viduka. And it allowed Colo, Carroll and Enrique to develop into the players they are to day. It showed how important it is to have patience with players from abroad too. It takes time to settle in a new culture and into the frenzy of PL. Colo and Enrique went from rubbish to star performers. The relegation forced the club into the new path we're now onto. I'm inclined to think that without it, Colo and Enrique would not be half the players they are today. We would neither have sold Carroll for £35 mill with a 25% sell on clause (if we had stayed up, we still would have continued with Oba and Owen instead of the likes of Carroll) and we probably would not have appointed important staff such as Carr that led us to discover Tiote.
  18. Agreed. He could be a fantastic player though if he could learn when to pass and when to dribble. Now he's all about the latter
  19. Total bollocks. Suppose the Gods decide eh? If you're into that, aye. If not, fate/luck. Agreed. Arseplayers have been prone to injuries due to their speedy game. That cause the opponent to misjudge the tackles. When Nolan was in his prime in Bolton, he was slimmer. I remembered him running WITH the ball (imagine that now) for many yards before hammering it into the net. If Carroll didn't receive lessons regarding the effects of alcohol and Nolan hasn't been told that he maybe need to lose some weight..Isn't that negligence or incompetence by the medical staff?
  20. Same goes for Nolan by the way. I think his diet would have been frowned upon both in Lpool and Scum.
  21. I'm pretty sure that the medical team at Man U and Liverpool are not that incompetent as ours. AC Milan has for example an own sports science department focusing only on how to prevent and heal injuries. Like us they were plagued with players not being fit or injured. However after opening that department, the injuries dropped significantly. Hell, all players below 30 are considered as youth/prospects, that's no coincidence if you ask me
  22. It's those f***ing margins or injuries that is haunting us every time it seems like we're getting the upper hand. I felt confident that we would win against Bolton. But then Barton was injured. I'm pretty sure with Barton on the pitch, we would have collected all three points. Then I heard Ireland was back, making me believe that Everton would pose no problems at all, especially since they miss both cahill and fellaini. But noo, Ireland is now probably not available for the weekend. I honestly believe that our medical team must be some inbred incompetent bastards. We've been plagued with injuries for years. Look at eg. Lpool. For many seasons, they've been highly dependent on few players, such as Alonso, Torres, Gerrard etc. They were not been frequently injured (except Torres lately). I think that's no coincidence. Lpool taught Carroll the dangers of drinking too much alcohol and how this affects his healing progress. Ole Gunnar Solskjær has now taken over a club in Norway. He enforces a tough regime when it comes to alcohol, since it seriously effects the performance on the pitch, and how the body recovers. And it's very likely that he's using the knowledge given by SAF. Why the hell wasn't Carroll getting this information when he was with us? Taylor has been away for ages, Barton lost months due to injury. And now Ireland, although not the same injury, they may have failed to take appropriate caution for a player that has been away for a while. There's always a couple of players missing, and I feel that this is not just bad luck. We've had injuries on key players for seasons. Or are we just unlucky?
  23. Excellent, and the transfer opens up for HBA getting nr 10 jersey
  24. Really? Agreed. A harsh critique of Gradel who've 12 goals for Leeds this season. Lua's experience on the other hand is mostly from League 1
  25. An inferior league needs an inferior name.
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