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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. "The" only L O G I C A L outcome "is" that it MUST "be" C L O S E D Wait!!! Interesting how happy some people are when there is news that could negatively impact on our Takeover. Are you all from Sunderland? Nobody is happy about it. Other than Luke Edwards and Steve Bruce. You can't differentiate people wanting it to happen and not believing it will? Weird. Him and Whitley have had similar views about this in the past. Not being blindly optimistic = don't want it to happen/apparently mackem now as well. IMO, this thread would have been quite at home in the Twitter bullshit thread, it seems to be all it's about....... "Let's get ahead of ourselves over random twitter 'ITK's' and call it optimism".
  2. Honestly don't see why anyone would care about anything that happens with us at the moment....players, staff and fans alike. So much of a nothing club.
  3. I'm also feeling a wave of optimism alongside all these emoceans Yup, hopefully we can send Bruce back to hull It's either that or he'll go down with this ship. I sea what you did there.
  4. Not a single one since he arrived.
  5. Unfortunately Yorkie what may be tedious to some is interesting to others, no one is forcing you to read it. Like it or not this bloke has a legal action pending with the PL, the PL will not want some information disclosed into the public domain, and thereby his action is a very real threat to them. So whether you think he is central to all this or a peripheral figure, any bits of info from someone in contact with buyer and seller is useful at this point. Keep it coming Whitley. This thread is for people like us who revel in the thought that “one day” we’ll be rid of this thief. People are welcome to have their own views on the subject but please don’t come in here and criticise the likes of Whitley and Manorpark for their updates. If you don’t like what they have to say, stay in the “takeover thread”. Nah, most people on the forum revel in that thought, this threads for complete blind optimism.
  6. Fair play Hoogan, i lazily looked at a stat site and thought it was for this season only. Players are allowed to improve, I feel Darlow has done that, and earns the right to keep his place until the next error. One thing we can’t complain about is our goalkeeping coach as our first and second choice have kept us in this league the last two seasons, if we stay up this season obviously. Not sure Dubravkas quality has much to do with our coach, he was clearly top class when he arrived, and should walk back into the first team when he's fit. Darlow has had a good run, but for me he's a flapper, he's not confident plucking the ball out of the air amongst other things, Dubravka is the number 1 for a reason. No room for sentiment.
  7. I wonder if there are still people who think he's anything other than shit and deserves more time, despite him proving all those pesky negative Nellie's absolutely right by continuing to do what he's done his own career.
  8. You can see where the 'negativity' comes from tbf A year down the line, constantly being fucked over, all there is to cling to is a questionable legal battle of which nobody really knows the truth/motives, other than what we're drip fed from Kennedy and a toon fan. Oh, and bread, we learn a lot from bread. Honestly man, I get that it's still ongoing, but people calling others negative for having realistic opinions/making predictions based on past experience isn't right. There is a middle ground, yes it's still being worked on which is a cause for positivity, but definitely not enough to be making imaginary timeframes/deadlines etc.
  9. The cost for one. The club would have to have a sustained period of significant on the field, trophy-winning success before any owners would contemplate building a new stadium in another area of the city. The second issue is, how much of a risk it would actually be moving the stadium out of the city centre. I think people seriously underestimate how tied-in SJP attendances are to the fact that its situated where it currently is. So not a dream, far from it, just your opinion. I don't think it'll happen by the way, just don't agree with people flying in all condescending stating their opinion as unerring fact.
  10. Why is it a dream that an owner might build a new stadium? Has it never happened?
  11. Quicker to just buy Leeds. Except Leeds don't offer the same package, nowhere near. Not this year or any other year. Delusional. What do NUFC have that Leeds cannot offer? Leeds have never averaged over 40k in their history. Until the 70’s they were a nothing club. In short they’ll never be as big as NUFC. Sorry but that is simply nonsense. Biggest club in Yorkshire, in a thriving & cosmopolitan city, with a history of winning trophies in the living memory of most people. Attendences count for nothing, especially since Leeds are hardly Wimbledon...they still have attracted pretty large crowds in all the time I have followed the game. At this rate they will be a bigger club than us in 5 months time, never mind never at all. Leeds are a club just waiting to take off. And if the Saudis or Qataris buy them & make them even remotely like Man City they will attract 50k crowds easily. We already attract 50k crowds. In the championship too. And? There seems to be a thought process going on here that, just because NUFC have more potential than Leeds, that somehow Leeds won't be a very attractive proposition to Saudi. Absolute delusion I'm afraid. Well the Saudis are interested in us, and not giving up easily, and haven't went for Leeds. Surely that stands for something? There's something in the fact that Staveley has clearly sold NUFC to them and not Leeds, as she realises what it could be, the idea that they'll just jump ship and buy instead is just pure speculation, regardless how much you keep saying people are deluded.
  12. Can't wait till all this bollocks is consigned to the history books one way or another.
  13. If there was no challenge we'll hear on Monday. Otherwise we'll hear by the end of the month. Would fit in with HTT’s claim.... Or someone else has worked out the sames timeline and HTT is gong off that rather than proper intel. But in HTT we trust (in the absence/never existence of Mimms) I’m not on Twitter and don’t follow any other shite, I know I’m a gob shite and have pissed a few off with the 3.00pm Friday stuff but I do genuinely have a source which I genuinely believe is credible and as much as I’m a gobshite, all joking aside I would never mislead people on here other than the 3.00pm shite which I’d like to believe most in here know is, well, me being a bit of a piss taker. I have been told we could see some very positive news by Monday on the legal side. My source works with PCP and another source is high up in government although not my own source, it’s a 3rd party one, but has delivered before and again when this is all done and dusted I’d like to think some on here will vouch for that who I’ve shared info with. Interestingly the 3rd party source is saying nothing at all which leads me to believe we are in the sensitive stage of the takeover where it’s not if, but when, and this could be very soon. Not 3.00pm Friday next week soon, but the end of this month or sometime February? I’m 100% confident anyway... I'm in.
  14. He should be saying 'kebab meat chips and a litre of gravy please', before fuckin off home to watch it on telly whilst having nothing to do with nufc.
  15. I feel your pain. I can't stand listening to him and when the camera goes on him, I feel embarrassed for him. Still haven't watched an interview since he was dropped in. I'd rather not put myself through that. To think people defend(ed) him as if he was suddenly going to change despite his whole career saying otherwise. Lunatics.
  16. The surprising thing to me is that it's took this long for some fans to realise.
  17. Honestly, at this stage, I don't think I care. I just want Ashley and Bruce gone. This 100%, it's all that matters. The club is dead until it happens. Having said that, I disagree with the 'complete new team' comment, install a Rafa, and we're more than capable of treading water in mid table whilst making improvements.
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