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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Another day closer, media reports seem to have calmed down, no more teeth jokes over night.
  2. My guess is that the buyers know what is going on, as they'll be answering a fuck load of questions so will be fully aware n of what is holding it up. Fatty on the other hand is probably sitting with his thumb up his arse waiting for the back balance to go up.
  3. According to caulkin the buyers have been working thru it with the PL answering questions etc. Doesn’t sound like it’s been largely untouched Aye, just another case of bedwetting and putting timelines on shit based on absolutely nowt other than, well, bedwetting.
  4. I reckon it'll take a week for people to stop putting timeliness on it. Nice.
  5. People are right fuckin fannys. Stop putting timelines on it, stop having fuckin meltdowns because you wake up and it still isn't announced. Not sure how Caulkin and anyone else puts up with it on there. "I know I haven't heard anything to give me reason to believe this, but I don't think it's happening because I expected it to be done by now, comfort me George." Fuck off.
  6. Don't know who he is, but liked reading some positive tweets from him, even though they most likely mean nothing. Check my last tweet. I have a very reliable source at Logitech. He claims it's gonna be announced on Friday, at 3pm. Nah you're alright. I've had enough twitter positivity for one day.
  7. Don't know who he is, but liked reading some positive tweets from him, even though they most likely mean nothing.
  8. I have been thinking about this and I can't see how the Premier League can block the deal. It would be a diplomatic shit storm. This is the kind of revelation I check the thread for. To be fair it’s in the top quartile of posts today Fair point.
  9. I have been thinking about this and I can't see how the Premier League can block the deal. It would be a diplomatic shit storm. This is the kind of revelation I check the thread for.
  10. Aye, its the worst argument of all time. Awful. Not really the worst is it though If you think the takeover should not be allowed to go through on moral grounds (which btw is a stance anyone is entitled to and it's understandable) but then you happily view/consume content/products in which they also have investments it's hypocrisy, now some people are comfortable being selective and again that's their prerogative but the hypocrisy can be called out No it is not hypocrisy at all. These things are not comparable. I have to put petrol in my car, and even if i didn't I get the bus, so that consumes petrol. I have to get home from town, so I use an uber. There are things that you use in a society because you have to. The argument that I should quit using uber is ridiculous. If we applied that logic unilaterally, nobody could disagree with anything. Hate capitalism mate, well you've got an iphone! Check mate! I can't really argue too much as I'm fairly ignorant to it all. I will be ecstatic if this goes through and won't feel bad about it, doesn't mean i agree with what they've done... Do? Completely understand other people can't switch off from it like I do. But these arguments of 'well stop doing everything they're involved with' makes no sense to me because it's putting them in a completely different light on a massive stage, not like their stake in Uber for example. Ah fuck it.... It's all been said.
  11. Offer still very much open lads. Since your quoting yourself What happened to this then? I'd like to know more about this too Penn[/member]
  12. ? (not this shit again) Don't bite The new Sean. Definitely another KB/MA/media buddies job.
  13. I think it's time for you to log off for a bit dude. They don’t want this. They don’t want to upset the top 6, they don’t want the heat from BeIN. They don’t want the scrutiny from journos and letters from aggrieved parties. The only thing stopping them rejecting outright is the know they’ll be in court and paying out the arse in legal fees and compensation, at a time the league has several hundred million in the balance. When this landed on their doorstep they’d have thought ohh fuck. The noise on them changing the rules would suggest all of this, if they could go back in time 6 months and changed them then they would do. Tbf everything you said they don't want is probably right. But you're omitting what they do want, the money, which would normally overrule everything else. As caulkin said it just needs to play out. Tbh I'm a lot more sceptical now but I'd still be fuckin amazed if they knock back the saudis money, because if they allow them in now, you can guarantee it ups the ante when it comes to bidding for the rights in a couple of years.
  14. It's the vaccuum that's killing people and causing them to amplify dozens of little fuck-alls into seismically important considerations. None of us are entitled to know anything that's going on, not sure why people think we are or that they have the first idea how long this could be expected to take Erm, maybe because Staveley told Caulkin to tell the fans that it would be complete in the next few days, back towards the end of April ffs No she never and Caulkin has never put a timeline on it. Why are you laughing? You claimed something that was incorrect, I corrected you. OK she put it out there that it "should be complete" in the next few days. Nearly 3 weeks ago. The person who was incorrect was Staveley. Unless it was her contact at the PL who was incorrect. Or her lawyer who was incorrect. Why are you so convinced Staveley is acting in bad faith? Literally he only evidence supporting that position is Mike Ashley's "tyre-kicker" comment A "tyre kicker" who spends three years trying to buy the club, spends £17m on a deposit, and is awaiting the results of PL test Listening to Mike Ashley is one thing, believing anything he says is another level.
  15. It's the vaccuum that's killing people and causing them to amplify dozens of little fuck-alls into seismically important considerations. None of us are entitled to know anything that's going on, not sure why people think we are or that they have the first idea how long this could be expected to take Erm, maybe because Staveley told Caulkin to tell the fans that it would be complete in the next few days, back towards the end of April ffs No she never and Caulkin has never put a timeline on it. Why are you laughing? You claimed something that was incorrect, I corrected you. He loves this shit. He bought into Mike Ashley's story that Staveley was a tyre kicker (yes...believed Mike Ashely) during the BZG carry on and hasn't let it go, seems to have some issue with her. I'll let Caulkin explain BZG to those of you still stupid enough to believe it: Yup, because that's what i said Carry on.
  16. It's the vaccuum that's killing people and causing them to amplify dozens of little f***-alls into seismically important considerations. None of us are entitled to know anything that's going on, not sure why people think we are or that they have the first idea how long this could be expected to take Erm, maybe because Staveley told Caulkin to tell the fans that it would be complete in the next few days, back towards the end of April ffs No she never and Caulkin has never put a timeline on it. Why are you laughing? You claimed something that was incorrect, I corrected you. He loves this s***. He bought into Mike Ashley's story that Staveley was a tyre kicker (yes...believed Mike Ashely) during the BZG carry on and hasn't let it go, seems to have some issue with her. At least she hasn't been called a bitch yet Well it's not like she's Carole Baskin, or someone trying to get a bit justice for her murdered husband. They're the worst.
  17. It's the vaccuum that's killing people and causing them to amplify dozens of little fuck-alls into seismically important considerations. None of us are entitled to know anything that's going on, not sure why people think we are or that they have the first idea how long this could be expected to take Erm, maybe because Staveley told Caulkin to tell the fans that it would be complete in the next few days, back towards the end of April ffs No she never and Caulkin has never put a timeline on it. Why are you laughing? You claimed something that was incorrect, I corrected you. He loves this shit. He bought into Mike Ashley's story that Staveley was a tyre kicker (yes...believed Mike Ashely) during the BZG carry on and hasn't let it go, seems to have some issue with her.
  18. It's got to come to a conclusion soon like, must be getting to the point where they have everything they possibly need to make a decision one way or another.
  19. Am I fuck reading through the pages, but if anyone is doing this, they need banned imo.
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