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Posts posted by Wilson

  1. 22 minutes ago, Erikse said:

    Thomas Frank is not mentioned enough


    I expect him to be mentioned in the news a lot in the future as he's definitely a greasy toucher. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, St. Maximin said:

    Stop being a moron, I’m just stating my opinion. Absolutely ridiculous the way people jump on someone’s back here for having a difference of opinion. 

    I’m sure none of you have ever complained about anyone else diving.


    Comment was nowt to do with your opinion, It was (clearly) about you picking up on a minor negative despite everything else that went on last night. 


  3. 1 hour ago, GeordieDazzler said:

    Can criticise what you want mate, for me it’s a minor footnote to a great night. 


    Don't be daft, let's ignore the positives and concentrate on whinging about something completely trivial. 


  4. I was pointing out that he looked a bit goosed, not being his usual strong self in 50 50s, not being as sure as he normally is when pressing, thought he'd be the one to come off when we made a change etc. 


    I love being proved dead dead wrong.  :aww:

  5. 1 hour ago, OCOCOL said:

    Aye I second this. At Brugge I ran into a young lad who had travelled without a ticket and had never been to a European away so I gave him mine (for face value).


    as it turns out watching in the square on the big screen (with a couple of thousand ticketless mags)they put up was more enjoyable that the escorted 2 mile walk to the ground before and after the game. 


    I was in the square also, only one of our group without a ticket... took the escorted walk on the way up to see if I got lucky buy alas... it wasn't to be! 


    Back to square I went end enjoyed it all the same.  Excellent trip. 

  6. The stewards should be sacked as well. 


    Ridiculous.  Realise it was only one person but still, reaffirms my hatred of them cunts.  Horrible, horrible fan base. 

  7. 14 hours ago, Numbers said:

    "Bringing the ROAR into the light" the fucks that all about :lol:


    Looking forward to ROAR flags without a hint of irony. 

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