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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. 'campbell too old' this kid knows his stuff
  2. theres a couple of them seem bitter.....but quite a few wishing him well, few with nice things to say about us as well
  3. poor translation but http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.allezlelosc.fr%2Fforum%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D6%26t%3D91776&lp=fr_en&btnTrUrl=Translate the 'barton' post made me burst out laughing haha
  4. if you can read french http://www.allezlelosc.fr/forum/index.php
  5. had a walk past and took a few before west brom...the sculptures are top class
  6. or step 1 of milking the dippers when he innevitably leaves?
  7. aye, its nice love that colour
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1391332/Wigan-turn-Newcastles-5m-offer-Charles-NZogbia.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  9. not really over reacting.....just wouldnt mind if things went smoothly for once
  10. his contract talks stalled as well lovely start to the summer for us so far
  11. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    aye thats pretty much what i done...said i had a missed call as i couldnt answer it at work all sorted now, strawberry corner
  12. Wilson

    Joey Barton

    just been reading that...call me cynical but: Pardew - "he'll be here" = Reality - "he'll be away when an offer comes in"
  13. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    thats where i'm hoping to get to....wheres my phone call mother fuckers
  14. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    Why not move to the South East corner? How much space is there? I handed my form in pretty late like so even if I do decide to renew there'll probably be nee space left there. Call now, should be space. i tried this about 2 hours ago...was told i have to "sit tight and wait for a phone call and 'it'll be alright' .. plenty of room"
  15. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    also, the people who have received calls....could you tell me when (around about) you sent ur renewal form...as apparently theyre ringing people according to when they were received
  16. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    i have...cos i'm worried about the gallowgate being sold out by the time these cunts ring me....he said theres nowt he can do as they started ringing everyone an hour ago....said everyone will be contacted in the next day or 2...said there was plenty of seats available where i wanted to sit so 'it'll be alright' dont trust a word these fuckers say and am seriously pissed off, even more so at the fact theres fuck all we can do about it
  17. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    nowhere else will allow us to stand hope they ring me soon so that i can ask for the gallowgate before thats sold out
  18. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    to me its more about trying to keep the away fans quieter...and as you say, the banter is quality
  19. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    was nice to have an atmosphere for a while
  20. Wilson

    Season Tickets

    not a thing....cunts my thoughts exactly....said it before but surely they cant just put you anywhere they want without informing you
  21. aye, or we'll end up with perch at left back next season
  22. could cope with that although deep down we all know its going to be the dippers
  23. http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i52/dj_wilson06/IMG00140-20100424-1419.jpg
  24. "There's one or two here who could possibly could go" barton as well?
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