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Everything posted by LV

  1. Gayle lol. Fucks happened to him?
  2. Ashley’s thick skinned though, he doesn’t care man
  3. This club man... Every decision made is exactly the opposite of what should be happening.
  4. Doubt she’s there to promote business development for Newcastle. More likely she’s there to maximise any profit for Ashley.
  5. You can bet your bottom dollar that this stuff with Hope and the win will trigger Edwards into a pro-Bruce propaganda piece. That guff from Dublin (a mate of Bruce) last night was shameless too
  6. I need to see this Craig Hope v Bruce standoff Edit: it’s on the Sky Sports Score Centre app if anyone’s got that. Bruce looks like his face is morphing into bacon as he gets redder when he clashes with hope.
  7. Yep, much better coming in on his left foot too
  8. Ah shit Im miles behind with all this buffering
  9. St Maximins groin looked fine when shooting there
  10. Ha ha hadn’t noticed that
  11. It’s literally Schience against him
  12. Thanks, great summary Here come the regens and Brucey bots
  13. This cunt needs a good shoeing.
  14. Magnum! "score MORE goals"?!! This is going to be delicious
  15. They tasted like sweet sweet nectar
  16. Totally agree with this Ian. It even gets to the point now, where someone will pipe up with a bit of football talk, and I am instantly bored. Roll the eyes and just switch off. The whole thing just bores me rigid. So bored that you spend your day on a football section of an internet forum? Here he is
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