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Everything posted by LV

  1. He’s on about the first Staveley bid isn’t he?
  2. We still haven’t had China
  3. Someone (who isn’t blocked) should tweet Edwards the essence of that post. Brilliant.
  4. Yes please. Let it burn! Kill this abomination with fire.
  5. I got Man Utd top 4 finish, Leicester & Wolves both top half finish and Newcastle & Norwich to be relegated @ 40/1, put it on at start of season. That’ll be a nice result
  6. Good lad. I’m glad people are seeing the light now.
  7. LV

    If we go down ...

    Hoping we go through the trap door and Bruce stays. We’ll not come back up with him. Couple of seasons in champo and maybe league 1. Only realistic chance we’ve got to get rid of the Fat Curse. And don’t bother anyone giving it the ‘more chance selling the club in the Premier League’ rubbish. It’s been over 10 years, that shit just won’t fly any more.
  8. LV

    General press coverage

    The constant online confrontations really aren't worth being a NE journalist. They must make what, $35k at the most? Id rather be a sparky. The problem isn't the confrontations, it's that he's wrong. If he was right, he would be telling us about it 4 times a day never mind 4 times a week. If you're a sparky, you would be expected to know your stuff about electrics. 35k still 35k too much if you are a football journalist publishing horseshit. absolutely this.
  9. Ah, the classic PFM ‘work harder’ solution. Brilliant.
  10. Well this ‘takeover’ sure went quiet.
  11. LV


    They are a typical big strong side without much ability, they aren't going to be mauling anybody. They'll win though, because at least they know what they are about. It would be funny if Burnley were like 3 up after 65 mins and the 10000 free season ticket cunts just walked out. Like, “fuck it, nothing lost, didn’t cost a penny” and the rest of the crowd are fucking fuming at what’s happening on the park AND in the stands. Then realising they’re the thick cunts who are funding the whole fucking shitshow. They’re actively making it happen. They’re the cause of it all but they’re too fucking thick to join the fucking dots. That would be fucking mint, I’d love it. Think you've picked up some bad habits from your time on RTG, chill out a bit. He’s not wrong though
  12. LV


    Hope we go tbh Pointless staying up with Ashley in charge. Need to go down and start costing him money to try to dislodge him.
  13. Fuck Sheffield Utd. Screwed my Super 6
  14. There aren’t any fans left to do that though. There’s just an audience there now, the fans sacked it all off when it was clear that Ashley is strangling the club and milking its assets.
  15. Fuck off Bruce you utter fraud.
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