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Everything posted by LV

  1. Hopefully the players revolted and told him that’s the way they want to play.
  2. Wait, hang on. Back to basics means going back to Rafa’s tactics? This fucker changes his mind every 2 minutes, he hasnt got a clue has he.
  3. I’ve got a feeling his back to basics actually means undoing anything Rafa drilled into them.
  4. The stories he tells are all bollocks anarl
  5. Give 6 chimps a tactics board and in 2 mins they will recreate Brucies gameplan. But give 1000 chimps, 1000 wordprocessors with predictive text and they'd never recreate his contribution to literature.
  6. I think this and the Matty Longstaff stuff could be Bruce’s attempt at mind-games ‘Ah’ve lernt from the best’
  7. I’ve not seen anything that critical anywhere aside from here. Certainly not in the press.
  8. "As I say in football if you get beat you have to respond.“ This guy is a modern day visionary
  9. May as well have the game plan decided by a panel of chimps and a bucket of crack. It’ll be as good if not better than whatever Bruce comes up with.
  10. "look at how crap the alternatives are, remember how I'm doing you all a favour by owning the club. LEEDS". Everything related to Ashley is PR bullshit. Exactly. And Kenyon gets exposure so he can sell his services to any consortia who are actually looking to buy a club for real.
  11. Reckon W Brom will beat Cardiff?
  12. Pretty sure this is just Ashley fucking with us again. Him and Kenyon seem far too close for comfort.
  13. Not one shot on target from Man U
  14. Ike Mashley listed as one of their directors
  15. I don’t think he’s that good. Prob their best player yeah but I don’t think he is Van Nistelrroy, Cole, Yorke, Sheringham Ronaldo, Giggs level at all. Just amazing to me how far they have fallen
  16. Man U are so so bad these days Just a pale shadow. Cristiano Ronaldo used to play for these. Now they have Rashford and Fred.
  17. Brucey to roll over and have his belly tickled by his favourite club
  18. How’s a header on target not classed as a shot in target? Mental
  19. Yeah I had that. Had a fair few others that didn’t come in though.
  20. Barca going the right way to screw up my Accas at the moment
  21. Poch said he didn’t even talk to his players after the match. Bruce will def lose some of the dressing room with the old Fergie hairdryer routine. Won’t work in the Premier League in 2019, might have done in 1998 but not now. It’s probably still about in the lower leagues so he might get some traction with it when we’re in league 1 if he’s still about then.
  22. You able to give us a gist? I just want to know the real story around the BZG supposed bid. I got reeled in by it and I’m still bitter about that Did BZG ever release a statement about why it fell through? Think they released something about it not being Ashley’s fault or summat, which immediately made me even more skeptical of the whole thing. Seemed to be Kenyon letter levels of convenient bullshit.
  23. Ben Arfa to Hull under Bruce levels of fuckwittery.
  24. You able to give us a gist? I just want to know the real story around the BZG supposed bid. I got reeled in by it and I’m still bitter about that
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