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Everything posted by LV

  1. Didn’t say there was anything wrong with different opinions. Doesn’t mean I think they are right though.
  2. Something fishy if you ask me. I’d love to know the stats on how many sign ups we’ve had in the last couple of weeks as Rafa’s contract was winding down as compared to an average month. Some of the ‘opinions’ man...
  3. Nice one Rob, good call. Glad you got Max Rushden and not that tool Adrian Durham
  4. If I was looking for additional backers he’d be near the top of my list Luckily, you’re not
  5. Depends if there’s a release clause
  6. Money aside, stay here and endure scrapping for safety every season for Mike Ashley or go to China for an owner who is ambitious and wants to win the league? Pretty sure I'd be off to China and adding another league title to my CV. Or take a few months off and wait for a decent gig in a decent league... Have you learnt nothing about Benítez? The guy lives and breathes football, he won’t want to sit around at home doing the shopping and watching Wimbledon. There was nowt else around. May as well go to China and work while he waits for an opening back here.
  7. That or people who want to try to influence opinion of fans against Rafa for some reason or another. Wonder how much they get paid?
  8. There are some fucking suspect new signups here recently mind.
  9. I'm a bit dissapointed in him tbf. I adored the man but he was building something good here. I wanted to see Almiron and Longstaff under him for a full season and I think top 10 was still a realistic goal for next season. Just seems a shame to chuck all what we had here away to go to some bad Chinese team. Wtf??
  10. What did you say? Did you get any pushback from the usual morons on there? I said that Darren Gough was talking bollocks in suggest we were a mid table side, and frankly Ashley had been a very easy ride by the media and had any sort of attention been raised to his mismanagement of the club, then its highly likely the cunt would have fucked off. I was cut off when I spoke about a boycott of his businesses as well as the club. I said he needed to be hit in the pocket to get him to fuck off. Yeah they love a cut off if it doesn’t fit their agenda. Gough and Durham are cretins. Well done for trying to get the message across.
  11. What did you say? Did you get any pushback from the usual morons on there?
  12. Edwards is a grade A muppet for posting that. What do people want him to do, sit at home and do fuck all? The man lives and breathes football and no other job on Europe worthy of him is available. Think we’d all take the ridiculous money on offer while we waited for a decent project closer to home.
  13. Don't be so childish So he leaves here as he can’t control the clubs finances, As literally no club would do in the world ‘ the project wasn’t good enough ‘ Goes to China for the coin to a nothing team He’s full of shit man Don’t talk wet man
  14. In the Heads of Terms document that Geordie Dentist saw, Ashley had agreed to any liability stemming from the HMRC investigation
  15. The fella loves football and wants to work. There are no clubs closer to home available as far as I’m aware do he probably thinks he may as well get top dollar while he waits around for his next new project. Hopefully it’s Project Monochrome!
  16. Lives with his mam in Dubai. Aye right.
  17. You’ve fucked it man Lol i will be proved right in the end : No takeover ? Deary me. Lay off the Vino Collapso mate, it’s not becoming of you.
  18. The Little Waster[/member] Why are you adding stuff from back in May? He’s desperate for this takeover not to happen so he can be proved right Im backing up my statement about the radio bloke being full of shit. There is no takeover ... but keep deluding yourself ? Ben Jacobs isnae the radio guy dopey. At least get basic facts right man ffs Wondered what the hell he was on about
  19. He’s not like. Neither of them are full of shit. The radio guy has got it right twice when they’ve released statements before. Likely because they are in touch with him. You contradict yourself ... Eh? Are you drunk?
  20. The Little Waster[/member] Why are you adding stuff from back in May? He’s desperate for this takeover not to happen so he can be proved right Im backing up my statement about the radio bloke being full of shit. There is no takeover ... but keep deluding yourself ? Back’s nowt up man. Just because one guy is full of shit doesn’t mean everyone is The radio guy is legit None of this means I think the takeover will actually happen, because Ashley.
  21. That stuff was all done and dusted back in May. We know he was full of shit. It’s just muddying the waters to bring it all back up now. Strange behaviour.
  22. The Little Waster[/member] Why are you adding stuff from back in May?
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