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Everything posted by LV

  1. Unless he just thinks we’ll all turn up in September anyway and it’ll save him spending anything at all in the transfer window. I believe this a real bid fwiw but it’s absolutely not beyond Ashley, Bishop, Barnes and co to cook something up that results in no takeover, Rafa gone and no spend by him. He does not give a fuck about this club.
  2. I’ll explode if I don’t have this thread as a release valve
  3. ‘Hope the helps’ Wonder how long it took that kid to bang that out
  4. LV

    Paul Gascoigne

    Hes had more help than many many people with similar problems. If he can't help himself then he's beyond help and i have no sympathy for the waster FFS. Ok, so your right, he may never recover but fucking hell, have a heart. Hes a man with a severe problem, who cant find his way out. I have a heart that's what I'm saying anyone who has issues like this needs to recognise they need to help themselves before others can offer help and guidance to overcome these problems in life. As I stated hes had numerous people offering help at an extortionate cost which your average guy in the street doesn't get the luxury of yet he still fucks it up and knows better just like Georgie best did. It's this kind of person I have no sympathy with at all. How many more fucking chances does this fella want And if you can’t help yourself? What then?
  5. Don’t get him started
  6. Anymore updates from Gallowgare End of the Yard? He’s been awfully quiet.
  7. Ha ha no worries at all Kanji mate.
  8. Shots fired! It’s not real as if he got 8008 likes in 20 mins ffs Yep, he hasn’t tweeted that.
  9. I certainly won’t be one of those. Just didn’t want people getting fixated on today just because of a tweet from some WUM earlier in the week where this was all coming from.
  10. Polka, that guy that this oracle Ben is claiming is the lawyer isn’t right mate. Check out the fellas Instagram (djhalamy) and tell me if he looks the sort of guy involved in a £350million deal to buy a Premier League club. If anything he’s a writer/ journalist who happens to have a law degree. He’s also from Kuwait and supports Man U. Looks to be currently in Los Angeles on holiday too This is literally the only place where the Friday thing has come from apart from the ‘private jets coming lol’ thing too. Looks like Ben has been reeled in by it too and it’s just become a fact because it’s been repeated so many times. He’s also deleted a tweet from earlier in the week which said something like ‘there are Newcastle fans all over my timeline lol and they don’t realise I’m a Man U fan’. Make of that what you will. I’m desperate for this takeover to happen but I don’t want people getting their hopes up for today then losing their s*** when it doesn’t happen Sorry mate I meant that post to mean that today would at least put an end to anyone thinking that guy was legit - thereby questioning this Ben character and his apparent sources. I’ve had that lawyer bloke down as a gobshite ever since he started asking what players we wanted Ha ha fair enough mate
  11. There we go ffs Fucking finally Cheers nut and Shearergol That Ben Jacobs has been a little discredited now and looks like the chronicle have deleted the podcast
  12. Polka, that guy that this oracle Ben is claiming is the lawyer isn’t right mate. Check out the fellas Instagram (djhalamy) and tell me if he looks the sort of guy involved in a £350million deal to buy a Premier League club. If anything he’s a writer/ journalist who happens to have a law degree. He’s also from Kuwait and supports Man U. Looks to be currently in Los Angeles on holiday too This is literally the only place where the Friday thing has come from apart from the ‘private jets coming lol’ thing too. Looks like Ben has been reeled in by it too and it’s just become a fact because it’s been repeated so many times. He’s also deleted a tweet from earlier in the week which said something like ‘there are Newcastle fans all over my timeline lol and they don’t realise I’m a Man U fan’. Make of that what you will. I’m desperate for this takeover to happen but I don’t want people getting their hopes up for today then losing their shit when it doesn’t happen
  13. I'm not saying he is not saying true things or so he isn't being helpful. But I'm just saying he knows nothing more than what the other journos know. Just because he is based in the ME and claims to have close contacts to the group doesn't mean everything he is saying is accurate. Just look at his tweet a day or so before the 2nd statement by BZG. He was on the same wagon as the other journos. The next day, he's changed his tune. Again I stress that he might be telling the truth, and praising our fans and what not but he said the deal will be complete in a month or so when actually it might be sooner or even later, who knows. Just saying he's been caught out before so take a pinch of salt with what he says. If he had close contacts with the group, he should have gone straight to them after The Sun breaking the news and get as accurate info as possible instead of getting caught out like the others who have zero knowledge on the deal. Word
  14. Kanj, who is this Ben guy? He did a piece earlier in the week that was mainly pure conjecture and he’s perpetuating this ‘news on Friday’ thing from this fake lawyer account and people are getting fixated on something happening today. No I’m not in the press but I’ve been following this all week because I’m sad but also because I’m really excited this might be happening. I don’t think, and it’s just my opinion, that this Ben guy knows anything and if he’s perpetuating the fake lawyer stuff then I’m taking what he says with a truckload of salt. What’s wrong with that? Why do you believe him so much and based on what facts?
  15. The number of people on that latest Pete Graves tweet who have been reeled in by the Friday thing from that fake lawyer is unreal.
  16. Maybe Friday? When the takeover happens?
  17. Thia is what @JacobsBen was spouting before BZG released their second statement. Basically, he was saying the same as the other journos were saying which was not in line with what was eventually revealed in the second statement. Not sure about others but I'm taking what he said in the podcast with a pich of salt. He just said he talked personally with people close to the group but even that can't be verified. When he said this thing can go on for another month, I was a bit sceptical. For me, no one knows except for the people extremely close to the deal. Now after seeing that he verified that guy on twitter as BZG lawyer, I can't really trust that. If it turns out that they do indeed have a crazy s*** lawyer, then fine but still, I think Ben Jacobs intel is not as well established as it seems. If it turns out true, then fair enough. Fwiw, Ithink the deal will be completed much more earlier than what he said tbh. he sounds like a gobshite
  18. You know there’s no announcement tomorrow
  19. That is not his fucking lawyer ffs. That account was outed as bollocks like 2 days ago. If this Ben Jacobs (whoever the fuck he is) has been reeled in by it then I’d take anything he says with a pinch of salt too.
  20. No just our potential new owner is in business with a convicted murderer Murderer? It's not like he's a nonce. Probably is with the amount of wrong stuff he has done Even the father of the Indonesian business man they’re in business with killed millions of people. The press are going to have a field day if these lot actually become owners. Millions? Who is he? Pol Pot?
  21. There is none. It’s literally only come from that fake Midhat account and some fella from Kuwait saying good news on Friday. That’s it.
  22. I’m a lot less optimistic now after reading George Caulkin’s latest tweets. They are pretty measured and he sounds like he’d be surprised if the deal went through.
  23. Ramandan finishes on the 4th June and after that there are 3 days of celebration for Eid (nothing will get done here!) so this Friday could see something happen but I am on call with work so can't have a drink until week on Friday so if they want they can delay any anouncement for a week Aren’t you in New Zealand??
  24. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN? ? ? ? ? He’s pulled about 3 all nighters since this all kicked off so I think he’s delirious. Eh GE?
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