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Everything posted by LV

  1. Why the fuck would you stand? Who the fuck wipes their arse sitting down? That is ridiculous! This completely Agreed Sitting down? Grim.
  2. What episode of Eastenders was that from?
  3. I will never, ever unsee that
  4. Anyone got any pics of Sonia’s fanny while we wait?
  5. In time this thread will be looked upon as a classic
  6. You might find better and more current info if you flew out to Dubai for a couple of weeks to further your investigations
  7. Not like Midhat Kidwai not to comment Just find that very worrying reading that they looked for such a large amount from a hedge fund. I really hope a hedge fund isn’t part of any deal for us probably end up with a hedge fund company as part of the deal like that Sisu one Coventry have knowing our luck. Just hope this ends up alright for us because everything I read about the Bin Zayed Group is a worry. What is looking most likely is that the Sheikh is probably just fronting investors in a bid to build his profile and finally get something legit to his name. Just have to hope the Sheikh is bringing good Dubai based investors to us rather than some Swiss hedge fund that will try bleed us dry and turn our training ground into a housing complex for money. Just hoping something good comes out of it surely we’re due something good. Here he is
  8. That’ll be like a red rag to a Gallowgate End that post. Someone photoshop Eddie Howe onto it Haaaaaaa http://i66.tinypic.com/258342r.jpg Just needs Sheikh Brendan Rodgers in there too and it’d be perfect!
  9. That’ll be like a red rag to a Gallowgate End that post. Someone photoshop Eddie Howe onto it Haaaaaaa
  10. That’ll be like a red rag to a Gallowgate End that post.
  11. LV

    Paul Gascoigne

    Heartening to read this as a recovering alcoholic when so much else of the thread is ill informed, insulting, heartless and brainless bullshit. Honestly it's been a painful read, seeing some of the very strong "opinions" that we're up against, as well as an exasperating and often crippling mental illness. I'm 3 and a bit years sober but often the easiest way to stay that way is to disengage with much of the world, as there are judgemental people all over just dying to tell you their "opinion" on stuff they know nowt about. My sobriety doesn't make me any better than Gazza, I could drink any day but if I did I wouldn't have to put up with knackers up and down the country pointing their finger and making their judgement on my situation. And this is not a pop at people like Bimpy who have had a real life experience of alcoholics close to them being destructive and putting their next drink, i.e. Feeding their addiction, ahead of everything else. I know that's what happens as I was getting to the stage of doing the same to everyone around me before I was lucky enough to be able to draw on various resources and stop. But anyone trying to make this a black and white issue without any understanding of the illness that I and many others live with can absolutely get fucked. Great post Interpolic. Glad you’re doing well and you got some effective help.
  12. :lol: hear from the club, good one Given that there has been a great deal of debate on this board as to whether he is a proper person it will take some time. He doesn't look that fit either to be fair Eh? Fuck me Stiffy Possible NDA? Yeah could be. My thoughts are though that the whole Kenyon thing was a scam that Ashley was in on. This seems different but only time will tell I guess.
  13. Yes. Incorrect. In 99.9% of deals, in simplistic terms, heads of terms are agreed in principle, due diligence commences, terms altered depending on what due diligence throws up/out and the SPA written up, reviewed by the respective legal team, funds exchanged and job done. Am I incorrect or is the post about them having reached exclusivity incorrect?
  14. LV

    Paul Gascoigne

    There’s a huge difference in wanting to stop yourself and being able to stop yourself. If you think he ‘chooses’ this then you’re wrong, first hand experience or not. My first hand experience also includes social workers, addiction specialists, domestic violence experts and other professionals in this field. You mistakenly think he has no personal responsibility or choice. With all due respect mate, you are 100% wrong. I’m absolutely not saying he has no personal responsibility but I am saying despite that he is unable to stop and is not choosing this on a deep level. I’m not trying to minimise your personal experience in any way I promise. But the guy absolutely does not choose this.
  15. Not sure TUPE applies until a deal has been agreed and a takeover is in hand. Don’t think we’re at that stage yet.
  16. LV

    Paul Gascoigne

    There’s a huge difference in wanting to stop yourself and being able to stop yourself. If you think he ‘chooses’ this then you’re wrong, first hand experience or not.
  17. I think they have to actually deposit some money to make it exclusive. Could be wrong. Any thoughts on why Ashley hasn’t come out in the media this time saying the deal is further down the line than ever before? Like he did with Kenyon.
  18. LV

    Paul Gascoigne

    You think he chooses this?? Gazza, that is. I promise you the guy isn’t choosing this path at all.
  19. LV

    Paul Gascoigne

    Some of the comments on this tweet are fucking shameful. Shows how far we’ve still got to go to eradicate the stigma of mental health issues. Judgemental bastards.
  20. Don’t encourage him either. He’s been fishing for reactions to his ‘Friday’ craic for the last 3 days.
  21. even worse if its all complete horseshit That’s true mind
  22. Fuck me, if this takeover actually happens this place is going to be absolute carnage
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