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Everything posted by LV

  1. It's fucking not man. I'm not saying it'll happen but Keith Bishop isn't the PR overlord people seem to think he is. Do you really think he has the clout to tell sheikhs to pretend they're buying a football club just to lead a fanbase on? So called ‘Sheikhs’ It’s so going to turn out ‘Sheikh Khaled’ is Justin Barnes’s mate Dave from down the Dog and Duck
  2. I had the misfortune of reading it last night when stone cold sober. I still feel dirty. I’m looking forward to the follow up where he tells how he enticed Keegan back to manage the club in the 90s and also singlehandedly brought down the Berlin Wall.
  3. even the way he writes screams “I’m a c***” That passage made me so angry. Motherfucker you destroyed the NUFC career of a player who did the same to opposing teams you fucking cunt. Owld Pards is claiming he found Cabaye as well.
  4. I for one am glad it’s not eyebrow guy. He scares me.
  5. For fuck sake next we will be told this cunt isn't even human. It genuinely wouldn’t surprise me if he doesn’t actually exist
  6. Have the Saudi’s joined the party now? :lol:
  7. :lol: I think they were technically pork curtains weren’t they?
  8. yep. Because they’d definitely fly in on a scheduled flight and not a private jet. Fml
  9. Jesus wept. Only us.... Don't sign it. Come back if with get a new owner What if they don’t want him?
  10. Here, she's alreet these days Massive bacon rashers fanny. Cheap bacon too. Not butchers bacon. When have you seen her fanny?
  11. Jesus wept. Only us....
  12. "breaks journalistic code" You work for a company that used to be part of an organisation that was happy to hack the phones of dead kids, yet revealing your sources and adding to credence to your claims is breaking journalistic code. Get t' fuck. You can’t reveal sources though. No one would ever talk to them off the record again.
  13. He’d left before all that blew up though
  14. Contact with employees of a target company is typically restricted as part of an NDA. We all know it happens anyway though
  15. I’m very surprised and confused as to why the potential new owners haven’t already made contact with Benitez’s people about all this. Seems a bit weird to me.
  16. I have a feeling she may be involved in this in some capacity. Yeah I reckon you’re right
  17. Wasn’t Amanda Staveley somehow involved in that Liverpool bid too?
  18. Hey, nice work Sherlock! Good to see he’s not some swivel-eyed loon or Pardew-like smarm merchant.
  19. Geordie Dentist is pretty good actually. Has his finger on the pulse of stuff happening out in the gulf and he was head of NUST at one point I think. He’s just written a good article for the Chronicle as well. Better than some actual journalists.
  20. https://twitter.com/geordiedentist/status/1133280252048883713 Cheers. Yeah, seen his twitter stuff but just wondered if he was a member here.
  21. Geordie Dentist said he’s a distant relation. Does Geordie Dentist post on here, anyone know?
  22. Penn posted earlier that he’d made all of that up for banter. I was reeled in by it myself.
  23. Maybe they’re distancing him from the City owners now in case the fit and proper test fails because they are too closely related. Straws. Clutching.
  24. thomas[/member] I'm allowing myself to feel, although I won't believe it until I see Ashley's jeans puff up and he flies off like Mary Poppins. How have you coped these years, being both a Bills and a NUFC fan? He hasn’t, the guy is a mess. A mess. Eat my shit you prick. What’s wrong with me, taking shots on a day like this? You’re a wonderful man, Michael. I'm fucking honored to know you, Shaquille. You're top notch. That shit is missing a ‘u’ and I don’t give a fuck
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