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Everything posted by LV

  1. LV


    Well that is a very good point.
  2. LV


    Yep, great stuff again. Calm, composed and articulate.
  3. LV


    Awesome stuff from SackPardew.com and that guy on TalkSport did fantastically well. Whoever they are they get my vote and if it is someone from here, all the better.
  4. Not this s*** again. Ashley is a crap owner but he doesn't pick the team, dictate tactics or run training sessions. Ashley hasn't consistently picked inferior players (Smith, Perch, Gosling, Ameobi) when other options have been available to the detriment of the team and club as a whole. Ashley isn't the one who has shoehorned players into the team out of their natural positions, destroying their confidence and nullifying any threat they might have once offered. Ashley and Pardew are a good match for each other, they each cover the other's inadequacies but it has gone beyond the point now where Pardew is only holding back the club with his own shitness. Pardew is now the root cause of most of the team's issues and has to go. You ask why he should simply walk away since he has a contract? Because it's got the point where the crowd detest him, the players no longer give a f*** and even the media have started to wake up to his inabilities. If he walks away now he might still get another job in the Premiership or top end of the Championship, the longer he allows it to continue the more questions will be raised about his skills and fewer clubs will think him a potential asset. Walk away now and let the media run with the stories that it was Ashley's way of running the club that harmed the team, or carry on and let everyone know it was Pardew himself who couldn't organise a gangbang in a brothel. Mark Hughes or David O'Leary, pick a career path. I'm not saying that Pardew is innocent either, I just feel that Ashley is more to blame. Yes Pardew picks the team, but how much of a say does he have in the players at his disposal? He has shown in the past that he can get results when he has the right players. He is no scout, I doubt he even knows who half of the players we signed this summer actually are but we finished 5th with Pardew as a manager and a very average side tbh. But when Ashley decides he wants to sell our best player (by far) because he is far more interested in lining his own pockets than the fortunes of the football club. That is why, imo, Ashley is more to blame. So sick of this 'we finished 5th once so he must be good' sh*te. I really am. Ipswich have finished 5th with George Burley. Allardyce finished 6th with Bolton. Do you want either of them as manager (again in Fat Sam's case)? Is it qualification enough? Numpty fluked it, it can happen. He'll never manage it again and don't kid yourself or any one else gullible enough to listen that he can. This.
  5. LV

    John Carver

    I think he sent the abuse in a DM
  6. He really is. Like a particularly ugly middle-aged man just took a glimpse inside the Ark of the Covenant Brilliant.
  7. Another tool. No ta. Ahem, we are coming up with a list of grim appointments. John Gregory seemed perfect to instill the proper amount of terror in all of us. From the devil you know to the actual Devil. Ha. Good point......and it worked in terms of instilling terror.
  8. Jesus, does he even still exist?
  9. Promoted from inside: Colo Carver Raylor Externals: Gerry Francis George Graham Turnip JFK Dennis Wise O'Leary
  10. What, so he had this op BEFORE he went to Norwich? I'm getting confused about the timeline here because I swear he still had hair when he was on loan at Norwich.
  11. Mec t'as l'air bien gentil, mais sérieux fait un effort avec ton anglais, arrête avec les insultes et les hors-sujets, sinon tu vas commencer à saouler tout le monde ici et tu vas être banni. Et puis sérieusement quelle image tu donnes des Français, t'as l'air limite illettré, injurieux envers les autres membres et ton comportement de fan-boy est risible, on aime tous Ben Arfa ici, mais on fait pas les débiles pour autant... Un compatriote qui te veut du bien. Good work VanBarpunk, nice test! Although I can't see him getting banned from here on the strength of what he has posted so far. What does 'on fair les débiles pour autant' mean? My French doesn't stretch that far.
  12. I'm not going to believe he's legit until he mentions a face pony.
  13. Ok, own up. Who keeps pretending they are all these french Ben Arfa fans? It's got to be one person.
  14. Agreed. Also he knew who Lee Ryder was ffs.
  15. I said to slim, Ashley would sell the sack pardew stuff, he's ruthless Ashley is probably behind sackpardew.com!
  16. Pardew you complete turd. You deserve everything you get on Saturday.
  17. What is this goal thing you talk of? It rings a bell but for the life of me I can't remember what it is.
  18. I can't watch/ listen to any football report about us at the moment due to the amount of bullshit flying about. Just listened to 5 live and their 'chief football reporter' Ian Dennis (I think) was just plucking at random from the ABC of Newcastle United myths and fallacies. Transfer policy is wrong because of too many foreigners and not the Englishmen with premier league experience that Pardew wants; Cabaye was sold from under him; No quality players want to go to Newcastle. Utter utter lazy and hackneyed drivel. Not one word about him being a suspect manager and failing to make anything of the players he's got. Just stuff about losing quality players and not having time to integrate new ones. Meanwhile at Southampton they lose a load of good players, get new ones in AND have a new manager and still hammer us 4-0. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!
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