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Everything posted by LV

  1. I think it's because people want to see Ben Arfa in the team BUT that goes against the cowardice philosophy Pardew has I have no issues seeing Ben Arfa get tackled 5 times because you know on the 6th attempt he will score a Bolton like goal or destroy some left back The alternative is watching the likes of Gouffran, who don't lose the ball BUT that's because they run towards the opposition players, stop and then pass it back or sideways. That is not football for me, that's turgid and is not what we remember growing up, I won't remember the safe play of Gouffran BUT I certainly will never forget Ben Arfa taking players on and scoring goals f*** Pardew and f*** negative football Gouffran loses the ball plenty of times too.
  2. LV

    Remy Cabella

    What exactly qualifies Alan Pardew to judge what is required of a successful top flight footballer? Perhaps it's all those medals and trophies he has picked up along the way as a top flight player or the long list of top flight managerial honours he has to his name. Honestly man, this fool managing Premier League and International standard footballers is an utter travesty. It's like giving a Gibbon a Ferrari.
  3. Welcome to this season's football
  4. Because I've definitely read about Albino people getting murdered for their body parts because in some black magic rituals their body parts have some kind of special albino power. Not saying it was in Nigeria like but I just can't remember where it was.
  5. :lol: :lol: WHAT!? Wait, that might have come across wrong. What I meant was verbal attacks. I remember some guy with ginger hair calmly going about his business, and all of a sudden this car full of loutish yobs screams past with them all yelling ginger related nonsense. Having said that, I'm sure people in this country have been beaten up for being ginger. You guys are too much. Rather be a ginger in the UK than an albino in Africa like! Don't they get chased about and chopped up for use in black magic and the like?
  6. What time do you guys get your tea-break? Maybe we could meet up before the next delivery comes in.
  7. If that's even half true he's a dead man walking. A team I want to watch has Hatem Ben Arfa in it. However, I live in Bristol so I'm not sure I count as North East public any more.
  8. LV


    What the actual fuck have you made me just watch. My eyes! My ears!
  9. Oh sweet joy (if it happens)
  10. Because a manager does not have sell-on value.
  11. I 'think' he's saying they wanted the game as a kind of a test for them in a fatigued state. Could be completely wrong, however.
  12. Normally making this many signings is a massive show of support for the manager but I just don't know what's going on here. Ashley must be in love or something.
  13. LV

    Chucky Ferreyra

    He'll have to do his fair bit of hoop-licking before he earns a nickname from King Minus.
  14. Bimpy, if you are reading this - come back, man. You're an institution and it won't be the same without you!
  15. Aahh, welcome back Bimpy. Has Bimpy left? Hope not. Looks like it. Can't click on his profile any more. That's shit. What happened?
  16. Believe me, there was no actual laughing out loud.
  17. Were you born a troll or do you become one a miserable day after another? Not trolling at all. Just the way HBA is this complete and utter saint that cannot do anything wrong is just utter bull. If it is true that he has came in to the season for a 2nd year in a row over the weight agreed then he deserves the fine. Pardew is a massive t*** (understatement) and his treatment of HBA is a disgrace but HBA clearly has problems and always has had, no matter where he has been at. Both are to blame, not just Pardew. Once again, where's your evidence for this overweight horseshit?
  18. I'm fuming my favourite player out of this current squad is getting jettisoned just because Pardew doesn't like his perceived failure to track back. ....and don't give me any of this 'overweight' horsesh*t that some seem to have fallen for hook, line and sinker.
  19. LV

    Emmanuel Rivière

    Is this shit still going? Dairy me......
  20. Agreed. Very lively. The Pardewing begins at half time. Only just been promoted to the first team so not Pardewed yet That's why I said it begins at half-time
  21. Agreed. Very lively. The Pardewing begins at half time.
  22. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/07/14/article-2014721-00B1DCB7000004B0-997_233x452.jpg He looks like a fat, spoilt kid who probably got bought all the Star Wars figures and an AT-AT and a Millenium Falcon. While I had to make do with hand-me-down Lego.
  23. LV


    Class. Great gesture by them. Well done lads.
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