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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. 1 minute ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    It really should be ST holders ordered in terms of loyalty points.  Given the numbers of likely tickets available, non-ST holders are unlikely to get a look-in - and that's absolutely fair enough to me.  Those who trundle up to the odd game should be firmly at the back of the queue.


    Disagree. The above would suit me down to the ground, but season tickets are for league games. Members who've been to all of the cup games so far should get an equal chance to a ST holder who hasn't been to any (just my opinion of course).

  2. 9 minutes ago, Coffee_Johnny said:

    Well said that man. Don’t think we’re going to get an equal chance though. 

    Wouldn’t be so sure. I’m sure there’s plenty who will disagree, as is ever the case with ticketing, but this competition is (sort of) irrelevant to having a season ticket for league games. So if you’ve attended cup games, you should really be near the top of the pile imo. Thankfully for many, my opinion means shit. 

  3. Just now, Geogaddi said:

    I agree season ticket holder priority is the fair way to do it, although looks like Chelsea and Liverpool got 33k each last year and we probably have more season ticket holders than 33k.


    Is it though? I'm lucky in the sense that I have access to a ST so if that's the case, it suits me down to the ground. However I'd argue that a purchase history in this competition should also come into it.


    As others have said, impossible to please everybody. The demand would be off the scale, that's for sure.

  4. 3 minutes ago, christ said:

    so people who no longer put a penny into NUFC


    What do you mean by this? Some people gave up their Season Tickets in protest, some over the years due to cost (losing jobs etc), some due to relocation. Just because somebody doesn't have a season ticket doesn't mean they don't put any money into the club.


    I understand your perspective on it though. It's a tough one.

  5. Yeah, this isn't about getting a Season Ticket back - it's about going through with what they said regarding points. They launched a scheme about protecting points and then ditched it when we got taken over.


    Nobody deserves their ticket back, including me. But points I will always argue - even if I still had mine - should be permanent due to the cost/effort involved.


    Either way, the points scheme needs reviewed to open it up to more people - specifically youngsters. I've had my day really, but my son certainly hasn't.

  6. 6 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Can you give me the date and include any links you can find as I’m looking to go Thursday so will bring it up opportunity given. 

    Also can you tell me the timescales of when you were a NUST member.


    So the Trust launched this scheme in 2019 when it became evident many were going to jack their tickets when Benitez was leaving - it's actually still on their website now; www.nufctrust.co.uk/loyalty-points (not sure how to hyperlink as I'm a fool).


    They promised to lobby on behalf of those cancelling when we had new owners. Myself and @bowlingcroftycontacted board members, with crofty actually attending a zoom meeting where it was brought up. The consensus was that there wasn't enough people who submitted their points to the Trust in order for them to go through with it, which I think is bollocks. Whether it was 1 person or 10,000, you go ahead with your promise. By the way, I completely understand that I knew what I was doing when I cancelled - risks and all - but I 100% wouldn't have cancelled without the Trust posting this, and bought a lifetime membership on the back of it, which I obviously regret.


    I followed their instructions, sent them the screenshots of my points back in July 2019 and for us to be taken over and them to tell me nah, we aren't going to bother, is absolute bullshit. If the club made the decision and said no, I would absolutely accept it. But the way they done this hoodwinked me and many others into purchasing memberships and I can't help but think there was an agenda to boost numbers, despite them saying the take-up was low.

  7. On 11/12/2022 at 10:03, bowlingcrofty said:

    I know I’ve harped on about it a few times, but the second that NUST backtracked on the loyalty point retention scheme meant I was done with them.


    They promised to lobby the club on behalf of those who gave up their ST in protest and backtracked on it. They’ve got a list of those who were part of the scheme and let all those who trusted it down.


    Its not the principle about whether we got the points back or not (if the club decide not to give them back then fair fucks, that’s their call), but for the Trust to openly promise to actively lobby on our behalf, and then have a number of people give up season tickets with hundreds of loyalty points on the back of this promise, for the trust to then go “nah actually we’ve changed our mind”, is shitty as fuck.




    Nail on the head. I still to this day feel completely hoodwinked by their scheme and maintain I wouldn’t have packed in my Season Ticket if I didn’t think they’d at least lobby for me and let the club decide. 

    Gutted to this day and pardon the pun, wouldn’t trust the Trust with anything. Jobs for the boys. No doubt that Charlotte will be next on the board.

  8. On 26/11/2022 at 20:07, tomlynnherrington said:

    He does.


    He most definitely does not :lol: Love Miggy and he's been unreal this season, but I honestly think the he has an allergy to even controlling with his right.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Groundhog63 said:

    Same qualification throughout the leagues but two places for the clicky invite. 

    Just the two extra for the whole of Europe. 

    I was being fasheeeshus about Man U and Chelsea



    :thup: Either way, someone finishing 7th and getting in Europe's top competition because of how well they've done in the past is ridiculous, like.

  10. Be wounded if we play them horrible bastards early again. The game in April was flat as out, as is the case with early kick offs (except derby day).


    would give my left bollock for a 17:30 and to watch Klopp squirm all game.

  11. 9 minutes ago, SteV said:

    I assume that, like Brighton, it will only be a small(ish), randomly selected number of tickets. If all 3k of an away following had to go somewhere to pick up tickets, that would seem logistically problematic to me.


    Yeah you're right. But it would be a positive change I think, if they can work out a way to do it. Loyalty points are the fairest way to allocate away tickets, but people who don't attend shouldn't get a point.

  12. 1 hour ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    We haven't been on BT much this season. I swear to god if they move the Liverpool home game to the early kick off again.



    Really want to do them bastards, and a 17:30 Saturday gives us the best chance. Will be devastated if it’s 12:30.

  13. 1 hour ago, LFEE said:

    Well I’m friends with Emil Franchi and from the very little discussions I’ve had with him reference away tickets they definitely have a pool of them at TF but sounded like they were just their own and amongst themselves they pick and choose who use them for away games. No mention of NUST priority tickets (Greg had his own with points until recently then restarted from zero when he managed to get one this summer regardless of being in the NUST). So not disputing 100% what you believe is true however I don’t think it is.


    :thup: Maybe this particular member is linked to the TF lot. I'm not so sure, but he definitely gets a handful of tickets by hook or crook!

  14. 3 minutes ago, Big River said:

    that can't be true, surely?


    So I really don't want to get into slander territory here as I may be wrong, but chances are pretty slim. 


    Basically, a lad I've known well for years through other mates then got to know myself - used to sit with him in fact - started going to more or less every away game last season. With my bitter, jealous head on 'eh how you wangled all these tickets!?'. He told me that he had got to know XXX this season, who on the board of NUFC trust who sorts him tickets as he gets them from being on the board.


    Now again, I could be well off here - maybe the lad himself has it wrong - but on the final day of the season at Burnley, I had it pretty much confirmed the night before (we stayed over) that this person gets a bunch of tickets for away games. This person happens to be on the board of the trust (or at least was, I'm not 100% now). For all I know, he could get them from work or something, but that would be pretty odd given the demand.


    Maybe this person just is well connected to a bunch of fans who have a load of points and don't use them, hence getting all the tickets, but the lad I know barely knows the board member, so would be strange dishing out tickets to people you barely know given the demand.


    I retract my previous FACT post, but it seems more likely than not.

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