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Chicken Dancer

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Posts posted by Chicken Dancer

  1. 3 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

    my conspiracy theory is that we're blocking him from an automatic extension


    Mike Ashley has reprogrammed our brains hasn't he :lol: I honestly don't think they'd care these days, we'd likely let him leave for nowt anyway if a club close to home that he was happy to move to came in for him, regardless of length of contract.


    Was actually saying in the pub on Sunday that we'd deliberately not play Shelvey for same reasons under Ashley (granted he's involved in the first team much more that Ritchie).

  2. 43 minutes ago, Conjo said:


    Every time I see a Shola Ameobi penalty the more I'm convinced he's one of the best penalty takers of all time in the PL


    Yet every time he took one, I still fucking convinced myself he was going to miss :lol: I agree though, took a great penalty.

  3. Just now, McDog said:




    Last weekend was great, beat Spurs in London and then Green Bay loses in American football. Now this to start the weekend. Vikings kick the shit out of Cardinals tomorrow and I'll be over the moon.



    and hopefully the Bills smash the Packers too!


    Enjoy everyone. Fucking bouncing in there today second half.

  4. 4 hours ago, Stottie said:

    I hope none of our fans would take a gloaty banner because that's tinpot


    To my knowledge we've relegated Cardiff (2014) and Burnley (2022) and no banners either time. I suppose the argument for Villa fans was that we're a much bigger club that the 2 mentioned, and had the likes of Owen, Viduka, Duff & Butt whilst having Shearer as manager. The entire country wanted us to go down that day - you can see Man Utd fans at Hull celebrating like mad too (no banners mind). It was a huge story at the time, but Villa definitely did go OTT for sure.


    I must say, I feel like we've more than evened the scores since. We thumped them 6-0, tend to beat them at St James. Beat them at Villa Park a couple of times, and they technically did win us the Championship in 2017. 


    As the above has touched on, Twitter fans are no representation really, given ours is tragic, and I find Everton a lot worse than Villa. I do hope we smash them though - like any team!

  5. 2 hours ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Saw a discussion on Twitter about matchday superstitions. Anyone got any?


    If I see one magpie I may as well just not go to the match. Been like that since I started going when I was like 8 :lol:


    Saying that, I did see one before the Brentford game, but still sticks to this day!


  6. 9 minutes ago, TheGuv said:

    95-96 we conceded 37 in 38 games


    Very surprised by that! A tad before my time but all I ever seem to read/hear from that era was how gung-ho we were and how Keegan just basically tried to outscore everyone. Interesting.

  7. I never really mooch about on RTG but couldn't help myself this morning. So far what I've seen;

    - Newcastle the city being a shithole (I mean come on ffs :lol: the best thing about your cesspit is Jackie Whites market)

    - one of them wanting to punch Eddie Howe for being a 'smug c*nt'

    - we will have tourists at SJP shortly which will impact atmosphere

    - Green energy will meant Saudi's will run out of money

    - we've been lucky and media should be talking about Fulham more than us

    - we can't be good because Dan Burn plays left back

    - we will drop like a stone 'even we were 2nd at Xmas twice'

    - if we ever win a trophy, it should have an * next to it

    - Ashley deserves credit for signing the likes of Almiron and Joelinton

    - wanting Trippier to have a career ending injury


    All this amongst casual racism (camel humpers), arguments amongst themselves - glorious reading. In fairness, there's a few who say it how it is - that they wouldn't give a fuck if it was them who had PiF as owners and they're jealous of us, we look a good side etc.


    If the shoe was on the other foot and we were shortly going to be in the lower leagues for 6 years, whilst they were competing at the top looking brilliant on and off the pitch, I'd probably change sport. 

  8. The frustrating thing despite a wonderful start is that we arguably should have at least 3 more points (Liverpool 1, Palace 2). Bournemouth we didn't play well and didn't deserve to win, but I suppose we were lucky to get a point at Brighton (we did score a perfectly good goal that day too).


    Top 4 is out of the question I would think, but if we can pick up 5-7 points before the World Cup I would start to think about Europe. I'd be delighted with the Conference League tbh, but Europa isn't out of reach. Still very early days but we've been in more or less every game we've played since the Cambridge cup game, except Spurs away last season. Have to pinch myself when I say this but we're actually really good now.


    Was saying to the wife yesterday, with it being Newcastle, I'm just waiting for it to go wrong :lol: Thankfully, we are in fantastic hands on and off the pitch, so it (probably) won't, but after 30 years of near-misses and good times never lasting so long, it's ingrained in me to panic. Will maybe take a few years for that feeling to go.


    That being said, I'm over the fucking moon that my kids should support an NUFC that competes to be the best they can. It will be crazy to think they should hopefully never have to worry about being relegated and penny pinching anymore. Magic.


    EDIT: completely erased that 5-0 thumping at Man City from my head last season too. Woops.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:

    Nowadays 3k is the max and it's now pretty much impossible for anyone under the age of 14


    Which is exactly the perspective the club should take into consideration. Nothing to do with 'middle-aged blokes using the kids can't go line'. It's an actual fact that the youngsters are going to be unable to attend unless something is done. 


    They are the future after all. That being said, I would imagine things change at the point it becomes relevant.


    Also - I seem to remember it being a paper application in the early 00s when I started going. Were points even a thing? As I can't remember having an issue getting tickets for most games - Old Trafford, Anfield and the likes. Or was demand just nowhere near as big?

  10. Just now, Chicken Dancer said:


    I actually take back my post - I completely forgot they had a new ground :lol: I went in Jan 2017. Big Daryl Murphy. Was their old ground though.


    At which point I was a ST holder with lots of points...glory days. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, SteV said:

    How did you get a ticket for Brentford!? ??


    I actually take back my post - I completely forgot they had a new ground :lol: I went in Jan 2017. Big Daryl Murphy. Was their old ground though.

  12. 7 minutes ago, jack j said:

    Haha am not aggressive. Just probably over defensive on this subject when it comes up every now and then because I feel like people like me are the ones going to be trampled over with any new system whereas in years gone by the people like me were told to deal with it and that was fine!

    If you don't look after number one nobody else will


    I quite agree, which is why nobody should lose points (I actually believe they should be permanent - ST or not, but that's from a bias perspective). I think the main thing is opening up ways for people to accumulate points via other means (cup games etc) and making sure the person purchasing the ticket is the person attending the game, unless it goes through a verified resale process and therefore would lose the point they gained with the transaction.


    We can't just have the same 1/2k with over 100 points getting more and more every week whilst tickets will very rarely drop to 0 now. I appreciate that things were different in the past, but times and technology are changing, as is our great club. 


    As for me - every single ground that's currently a Premier League stadium I have attended in my time, plus many others in the lower leagues. Some which are now housing estates, and some abroad. Therefore, I'm not overly bothered from a personal standpoint - I've had my shot. But I do want my son and nephews to be given a fair crack of the whip when it's their time.

  13. 4 minutes ago, jack j said:

    Put 500 each game to a ballot then that might stop some of the whinging. The clue is in the name though

    Loyalty points.

    The away games I've been to since the takeover I've looked around and seen plenty of younguns there. Most the people whinging seem to be middle aged blokes who want tickets for themselves but use the old it's stopping kids getting tickets line


    You always come across as a particularly aggressive fella for some reason. 

    Sometimes, when people are trying to make reasoned points in order to make a system fairer, it isn't always whinging. It's never going to be an easy one to discuss, and no matter what - impossible to make it fair for everyone. I completely get that you have your points through time, effort and money. You deserve them and good for you. Just relax.


    The youngsters you mention will have got tickets from people with the points, thus proving the point that people hoard points whilst others go instead of them. That's the whole point of this debate.

  14. 2 minutes ago, jack j said:

    Shit for people who's circumstances have changed that

    When I was a youngun trying to get a ticket for the likes of Sunderland away I was told tough luck that's what people put the miles in for, so they can pick and choose, and that was fair enough to me so I went to the less glamorous games for years down in the championship first time etc etc. Don't think that's fair to change now im in the situation those people who telt me tough luck are in because its now popular again because we are half decent

    I'm lucky if I can do 2 or 3 a season because I've got young kids now

    I think it would be utter bullshit if my points start dropping off cos I can't go as much now


    May as well just make it an open ballot for every away game to keep people happy


    I think the main point you're missing is that there is no way to go to the less glamourous games now, if say 1 a season drops to 0 - it'll take people 120 years to be able to do Leeds away.


    Nobody is saying you should lose your points, but times have changed and so should this. Just to make it fairer to the overwhelming majority.

  15. 1 minute ago, HaydnNUFC said:

    Dunno how they could police stopping people selling on tickets though


    Only way is ticketless really, although I have kept every single ticket from every game I've ever attended so I'd be gutted :lol: But having a resale like they do in US, but if you sell it on you lose the point.


    Points awarded for every attended game, as above - cup, friendlies and womens - as well as being able to accumulate points via purchases within the ground/club shop/.co.uk


    Pointless though - put it to the club will get told no, put it to the trust will get told no. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, mighty__mag said:

    Our record going to Old Trafford is shite, if it was at St James's I'd be more confident


    Exactly my feelings. I'd really fancy us to get something at SJP, away I'm not so sure.


    That being said, we don't have anything to fear. They do look better recently and still have a hugely talented squad.


    Approach it like we did against Man City at home and the first half at Anfield and we have nothing to fear. I'm sure we will.


    The first time in a long time I'm actually looking forward to watching us at Old Trafford. Good test to see where we are.

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