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Everything posted by SiLvOR

  1. This guy is the least of our worries.
  2. Yeah, just not too good of a season. Yeah, as long as they're behind us
  3. Think Everton are in for a good season. Hopefully anyway, proper club in my eyes doing it the right way.
  4. God, the hope kills me. Can't take this
  5. Dont think so. I'm losing it coulda sworn there was one like! Anyway, I don't think we should stick with playing either tbh. Have the ability to play any formation and change it up mid game, why stick to one pattern throughout a game? Not saying it'll work every time, but I think tactical fluidity is something of a necessity in today's game.
  6. Isn't there already a thread about this?
  7. SiLvOR


    Good signing for them, no doubt about it.
  8. Number 17 (excuse my ignorance) for Bremen is a right dirty fucker
  9. Campbell's touch looks class, Amal doing way more than Gosling in a shorter period of time. No contest for me. Happy enough with that, we didn't lose!
  10. Gotta hit that first time! Better from Obertan, that's what he needs to do all the time. Knock it past and run, all he has is pace so use it ffs
  11. Yes we do Snott face. Oooo. You must have meant that so much, you added an extra "T" !!!!! Why you gotta cut me so deep man Sorry pudding, i'll give you a big man hug if that'll help please
  12. Yes we do Snott face. Oooo. You must have meant that so much, you added an extra "T" !!!!! Why you gotta cut me so deep man
  13. I know Obertan's shit but do we have to keep calling him these silly names
  14. Come on Raylor, just swazz this in so we can all be alright at HT
  15. Oh what a fucking tease fuck this!!
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