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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Burn... man I cant, he cant fucking pass to an open player.
  2. Not a great game, super scrappy. But the second half was much better. Gordon is starting to come very much alive. But our defending leaves a lot to desire at times. So many panic balls just up the field to nothing. Great pen by Wilson as always.
  3. he is fucking useless on the overlaps and his recovery runs back do not exist considering his speed is that of a pensioner with their roller.
  4. Really bad first half. We have no creativity and end up just standing around passing it around not able to find any room, players just standing around, not trying to create any room. Had enough to go 1-up but cant finish on target.
  5. Ten Hag subbing their best player, getting booed and called a fucking bald cunt. I love it
  6. For me its the performances and that no fucking lessons has been learned. Thats what pisses me off. We like all other teams will lose games, its a competitive league. But the manner that we have done it and not actually learned from it and with todays all switched off everywhere on the pitch playstyle. It does make at least me boil.
  7. As pathetic as they come. Nothing learned from choking it last game.
  8. Same space that threw away a game against 10 men. No lessons learned.
  9. Getting a LB and RB was a fucking stupid choice when our backup CB are two plodders and our RW being fucking useless other than "work ethic". Same with not getting an out and out DM which we have needed for so long.
  10. For some reason he is beloved, but he is so fucking bad at reading the game and he knows he has no pace, yet he fucking does the same shit all the time.
  11. Burn you are so so fucking shit. Let him Turn and get away scott free. Fucking get in the bin.
  12. Fuck each and every one out on the pitch and in the dugout
  13. Championship? We are not even able to do a clearance without giving the ball in our box to the opposition.
  14. Fucking Steve Bruce-esque team - FUCKING WAKE UP
  15. fucking dont wait for the 70th mark - this isnt working.
  16. worthy

    Nick Pope

    Honestly, work on your basics. How you plodd it up the middle to fucking no one when you have 3 players that was free and not marked.
  17. Burns pace will always be trouble in the PL - even more so as a CB.
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