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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Lascelles, more like fucking lacking brain celles.
  2. Remember to lube up, friends. This will get rough
  3. Yeah, I agree 100%. He should not be demanding his buddy becoming dof/SD whatever you wanna call the role. It will render the point useless as you stated regarding continuity. So if that is the case, forget him and bring in Fonseca in the mix again
  4. Yeah, that gave me a whole new perspective on him
  5. Aye, I'm hoping we are looking at some of the talent spread in the teams under the big boys in Germany and Spain
  6. I'll hold on to your take as it fits me perfect . But it will be nice to actually give a shit again no matter what.
  7. I'm just afraid that we will be stuck with more Ritchie in the starting 11 and dear god, Shelvey back.
  8. Collapsed with Fonseca.. Wish there was some more info there.
  9. The most curious part for me will be seeing if Ritchie, Shelvey, krafth will be a part of the starting 11.
  10. Extremely important that we get the best we absolutely can in the roles of sourcing transfers.
  11. I hope I'm dead wrong. But my gut is telling me that Howe will be a mediocrity
  12. Even a busted clock is right two times etc.
  13. Yeah, I wonder what the reasoning to keep a ticket booth manager around and letting that person do the negotiations if the rumors are true..
  14. I see that people are talking about, they are not football people, they just came in, everything got sprung on them. But these are business people no? You would think that there would be plans regardless, you would think that they had things layed out even if they were waiting. So there is something behind the scenes playing out. If not, I would question their business prowess in regards to anything.
  15. if its Howe, might as well let Jones continue honestly. You can talk about achievements all you want with Howe, and kudos for taking Bournemouth up. But he was found out and we will continue with Ritchie and... ugh have Shelvey on the field.
  16. Come down to Circus Newcastle - Still being a midday soap opera club in the PL . Honestly, if it is off due to the leaks someone needs to plug the hole asap and get rid.
  17. Well the good news is that they'll keep ole at the wheel
  18. Im still baffled by the fact that these so called experts havent seen how dross the manu defense is and that they have literally been carried by their attackers.
  19. Im in the same boat with multiple here feeling that the Martinez link is just lazy journalism and why would he even want to go anywhere right before the world cup, it doesnt make sense.
  20. Whats interesting to me is that with there zonal marking, no one is actually taking any leadership role out there. The amount of time the Chelsea players had at times within the box when we had six outfield players in the box is baffeling.
  21. worthy

    Graeme Jones

    Just remove this man and let some U23 manager take the position. Not moving ASM to the wings, bringing on the most useless midfielder one can (shelvey) keeping the slowest CB pairing regardless of what is going on.. Could almost question if he phoned up brewcie.
  22. Bringing on Shelvey, thats like showing up to a F1 race with a tractor
  23. Darlow is probably the worst keeper in 3 divisions
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