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Everything posted by worthy

  1. I feel like our "defenders" dont understand football at all. Truly amazing.
  2. ASM should have dived on to the foot before shooting, any contact is pen after all
  3. Fuck it, our players should just go down at any point they can when we cross it in. cause seemingly you can just dive on to legs and get pens.
  4. Why the fuck do people get pens for DIVING before hitting the leg and running in to it on purpose, that is the worst fucking call ive ever seen. Football is such a fucking shit sport
  5. Same, I was extremely critical but today it was truly on point. Hopefully he told Jones to shut his mouth about the players in the club
  6. worthy


    Insane shift defensivly, well done Big Joe, Howe has find the perfect use for you as a defensive winger.
  7. what the fuck kind of marking was that shit
  8. It's because he literally has no speed.
  9. and left another one free and only got half way cause he is slow as shit. I cannot wait to get a real BBM/DM
  10. problem is also after when Shelvey decides to fuck off in to the middle of nowhere and leave pukki to just do whatever he wants
  11. Its more that im fucking pissed that me, a half fat cunt watching football on TV can see the problems Darlow, Clark, Ritchie, Krafth have brought. Why keep using these tossers and not try what the shitty bruce didnt and go with Lewis Fernandez and Schar. As bad as Norwich was, Lewis actually did much better than Ritchie has done in lwb forever. Manq should never have been dropped and definitely not replaced by Krafth. Clark has been over the hill for so long now and is the most error prone CB. I want the fucking club to do well, selecting the dross that we all have complained about is the opposite of having a fresh start, it is keeping the Bruce dogshit still going.
  12. Three? Me and several others have said time and time and time and time etc again that Ritchie should never ever stay on as LWB and why Manq was dropped when he was doing well is also baffeling. Choosing to go with Darlow when Dubs had a great game with his National team is super questionable as well. Did you even see how far Ritchie manage to stretch the offside trap to put people onside this year? You clearly dont even watch our games.
  13. So his team selection has been shit then aye?
  14. Yeah you think 3 goals given away from Ritchie at LWB wasnt enough, and the most error prone CB in PL in Clark should kept on starting?
  15. Its hard to keep faith when he has kept on fucking selecting Ritchie, Krafht and fucking Clark
  16. Also why the fuck did Shelvey fuck off from Pukki there?! what the fuck
  17. FA has for sure instructed refs to give us fuck all, where the fuck is var?!
  18. fuck off you are less than dogshit, just leave the club.
  19. Imagine that we have shouted about getting them in forever instead of his shit mate Ritchie and god knows why he wanted another midfielder wing on the right side whilst keeping the slowest and shittiest CB by far we have that now showed how fucking STUPID he is at all times. So how come such a progressive manager as Howe couldnt see it?
  20. Is it not true? How many errors does Ritchie and Clark have between them now?
  21. Also again fuck you Clark, never show your shit face ever again you cunt
  22. Maybe you fucking can see how thick youve been selecting fucking shitters like Ritchie, Krafht, Clark and all sorta shit now Howe?! Fucking hell Lewis and Manq make me feel safer than in a while. And Lewis has actually been doing his job 200000 times better than Ritchie could fucking dream of
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