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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Oh for sure, its a good half against a quality team. But I do question some of the choices as you do.
  2. I do get the reasoning behind the gameplan - But as Reefa stated - I would have had ASM on the wings to have some sort of other way of getting the ball up rather than just hoofing it up
  3. At least we might have an outlet to move to instead of just trying to pelt it up
  4. Must be Puyol light in traning or something
  5. They are all having a panic attack when they get the ball
  6. Darlow is such a sketch keeper, jesus
  7. Couldn't care less if he was the best in 1000. Acting like a cunt against my local team, acting like a cunt in general.
  8. As a Norwegian, i truly love seeing Solskjær fuck up so massively. Hope he gets pelted and the fucking obsession of him in media here can fuck off with him. Cunt
  9. Alright time to pop the #cans again and put on some Kool and the gang.
  10. WOW how could anyone have seen the worst fucking player in regards to his position would have problems with pace.
  11. So he takes of Willock and Wilson - but keeps Joelinton on - he has to be fucking trolling this fat cunt.
  12. I truly wonder what the fuck goes on in the training sessions.
  13. Midfield is getting run over - put on THE WORST, literally THE WORST midfielder when it comes to pace, tracking, defending. How Shelvey is still here is a crime.
  14. Is there a two for one special so we can get rid of bruce and joelinton at the same time?
  15. I think his first touches would even be better if they were a tackle, its almost pub-league esque.
  16. just sack the fat sack of donkeyshit in half-time.
  17. *licks lips* here is the ball lads, go try to take it off each other while i eat this xxl kebab
  18. dogshit team, dogshit manager same old circus newcastle
  19. Get joelinton off man, just being a big red flag
  20. Good Guy bruce - mega fan and cares so deeply about the club. No one could care more about it than him! - Now of course we dont know if its true or not, but honestly at this point, its more farfetched to think its not true than it is true.
  21. fuck him and his 1000th match, hope he steps on a lego and falls down and cant make it to the game
  22. An realistic target for me would be Denis Zakaria and imo would be perfect to linger in front of the CB's
  23. Keep on going to matches and show your acceptance for this dogshit, simpletons
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