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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Any professional keeper should keep that out. Fucking horrendous. How the fuck can EH pick him?!
  2. Darlow can literally go swim in the river, what a dogshit socalled keeper.
  3. You take him with you and go swim
  4. Truly wished Mitro to succeed here. Glad to see that he keeps on demolishing in championship and for the national team
  5. Hopefully these fuckwads wont make people latch on to bullshit about our fans.
  6. The PL player tax is absurd. So much overvalued dross
  7. Fitting that it also says "first team dire"
  8. Agreed. No way he would go down on a open goal like that. You see on the replay that he gets clipped and the leg shoots in to his other leg so he loses all balance in the run. Fair play to the keeper as that saved them due to our players being fucking stupid and not managing to test Dunk in goal.
  9. Not even a shot at the makeshift keeper - Pathetic, truly fucking pathetic. I know that footballers are thick, but fuck me. That game was there to be won in the second half. Keeping Shelvey on was stupid, trying to use nobraincelles and clark as ballplaying CB's is so shit.
  10. why the FUCK would you shift it to the flank instead of just firing in towards the makeshift keeper. Holy shit, these players are even dumber then I thought.
  11. Keeping the least mobile fucking footballer that would struggle in vanorama national (shelvey) yet removing a player is played in his worst position. Rather than changing the system and get some more mobility in the midfield.
  12. Then might as well hire you, right? Im sure you can google drills and put out some cones.
  13. I would still not trust someone to coach what dross we have when he clearly cant see the problems head on.
  14. If this is the team he picks and sees as the best, sticking with the same kinda non-press treating everyone as man city or liverpool. What kinda coaching would he be able to do, put out the ice water bins?
  15. With Shelvey and Hayden together we might as well have no midfield.
  16. Lamptey just brisk speed walking to piss on ritchie
  17. Well there was some scribble about him offering input to Jones. Hence the big _if_
  18. If this is with the input of Howe. Dear god help me.
  19. This is possibly one of the most pathetic matches ive seen. At this point I would give some local pub team the chance to beat us.
  20. Yeah, the shirt-pulling 100% gave them the pen. And for that alone it is a clear one. But heyo, Clark is so much faster and stronger and better than Schar or Fernandez
  21. Our defenders are so fucking stupid, I bet that if he didnt pull the shirt he might have gotten away with it. Fuck off jones and fuck off this shit squad
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