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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Aye, I agree. He isn't a fan of getting subbed for shola, which is understandable - and yes it would be so great if the players just tell him to fuck off.
  2. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    Would be fucking amazing to get the whole ground singing shit against him.
  3. PLEASE DON'T PUSH TOO FAR FORWARD FOR GOD'S SAKE. KEEP THE SHAPE. PLEASE :'( Wouldn't be shocked if that is actually the truth. And it makes me sad.
  4. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    Should fill his fucking yard with dogshit, suits his footballing-knowledge and style.
  5. Yes, his response to West Brom putting on Long was massive like. And putting Jonas on LB with Lukaku on him is just a fucking masterpiece of a great tactician. Sorry I ever doubted his glory and wise tactics.
  6. What the hell does he tell the players at HT. "Fookin rite boyz we iz guna defen dat leeed, don du noffin stuipd is all, keep back"
  7. oh man Sissoko is pissed. I hope this is a sign of pardew losing the players and they kick his shite fucking ass.
  8. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    To be fair, the only way supporters would be able to actually make the fat bastard sack him is if they stop buying shit and stop turning up for matches / renewing the season tickets. Yet we all know that it wont happen so we will be stuck with him until it is too late and we are back to square one in terms of players etc. It makes me sad and fucking angry at the same time that the fucking cunt cant see how shit pardew is.
  9. worthy


    They deserved their win. And I fucking feel sick for saying that.
  10. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    I really want him gone today, but we all know that it wont happen. Cheers for ruining great players with your shit tactics and "training" you twat.
  11. I truly have no fucking clue what the plan was, and I hope to god that jonas never ever plays a match again. Did not help that we had to sub Krul, but still all the long balls, Sissoko being played as a clogger, only two players that tried to make it happen was Marv and Ben Arfa, well when the ball was not launched over them of course. Getting sick of watching pardew ruin great players.
  12. And to anyone defending pardew, he is responsible for changing the tactics to counter Benfica, he didn't do shit, we got under constant pressure and lost our midfield. Poor as hell management
  13. Fucking cheating dumb Bayard Saylor, and probably the most shite play by Santon fucked us over. Cheers lads, better pay the people that went over there back. So horrible
  14. worthy

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I just spat my coffee all over the table. I tip my hat to you.
  15. worthy

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    What has been seen...
  16. :lol: Haha thats fantastic.
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