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  1. Kick off 11am Last match i had my vpn set to phillipines and worked fine all match. (other countries should work aswell)
  2. try this link and set your vpn to the philipines other countries probably work aswell but the philipines is working well for me.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQ6Z6UuXlPU
  4. Looks like you can watch it live here. It did say not available in my location, but i'm not sure if thats because it's not live yet. Tried a vpn set to japan aswell
  5. midstoon


    Redemption Arc Complete!
  6. midstoon


    Just found it on Globo RJ on iptv if anyone has brasil channels not a fan of the Black kit though
  7. City Fans After the takeover!
  8. Smokey Bacon and the Bandit
  9. midstoon


    Kinda feel sorry for the lad. probably did'nt realise the $hitstorm he was going to walk into. under a good manager and if he was managed properly he might stand a chance in the EPL. Never a 40m player though.
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