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  1. My hometown team, have a friend in the AFC coaching staff (who's also supports Newcastle) hanged around with him all day today, He told me it felt really surreal ?
  2. As a swede born in the mid 80s, grow up with English football every Saturday, Don't know exactly what it was that got me supporting Newcastle, but I remember that I liked the fact that it's a northern club that the Swedish pundits said was really hard to beat at St James' Park. Had no other friends supporting Newcastle. Also liked the name St James' Park by some reason ? The first game I really remember, and got me really hooked was the Liverpool game 1996 ? (dad supports Liverpool) The rest is history...a couple of travels to Newcastle, 15 years of a rollercoaster, A lot of people supporting Liverpool, Man United etc asking: Why Newcastle?! ? Bulit a "Newcastle mancave" (Now sadly gone) 1000s of hours spent here at N-O
  3. This is really like a dream, can't belive it finally happend! Years and years of scrolling through this place every day, Always hoping for the best, prepeared for the worst in case of transfers/owners/games. Everything! A hell of a rollercoaster! As soon as you felt some positive vibes, hell broke loose... Now, we hopefully can watch a team that tries for something else than 17th place This is fucking lifechanging! ? Hope your guys enjoy the cans! Howay the lads, from Sweden
  4. Exactly this ? 7 posts in 8 years Welcome back! ? thanks! I've been spending at least 4 of those years reading ?
  5. Going for the Norwich game and wonder if Gallowgate V row P is a bad seat? (Too far to the rear?) I´m a bit afraid that we won´t be able to se the whole stadium from there? Is North east corner B row T a better choice?
  6. Does anyone know if the Norwich game really is moved to Sunday? We are going from Sweden for that game and it would be problem if it´s moved
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