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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Said nobody ever Well, 1 person They'll probably find a way to scrape through as well, always do. You from there or have relatives there or something? Nope, used to have 2 family holidays there a year from when I was born up until mid teens and ended up watching a bit of Greek football of course when we were there. Sort of just continued on from that plus we were in Greece just after they won the Euros which was pretty cool. I realise there one of the most dull teams to watch internationally though so can see why any neutral would be rooting for Croatia
  2. Said nobody ever Well, 1 person They'll probably find a way to scrape through as well, always do.
  3. This certainly calls for a boycott.
  4. Cracking news for a Monday.
  5. Icardi's so clinical in and around the box, probably one of the best in Europe.
  6. Ryan


    Didn't realise that :lol:
  7. If Clark gets dropped none of my 3 defenders will have played Davies not being in the squad worked out OK for me, Jones comes in.
  8. Top score in GW7, wew. Liverpool 1-1 Man Utd Burnley 1-0 West Ham Crystal Palace 0-3 Chelsea Man City 3-0 Stoke Spurs 3-0 Bournemouth Swansea 1-0 Huddersfield Watford 1-2 Arsenal Brighton 1-2 Everton Southampton 0-1 Newcastle Leicester 2-0 West Brom
  9. His work is class, always a good read.
  10. Either 1-1 or 1-0 either way. It's guaranteed to be low scoring if Southampton are involved.
  11. Think its going to be shown on Christmas eve. Playing West Ham and Man City both on the same day?!
  12. wont move the boxing day game surely? Just to early/late kick off? Better f***ing not, I'll be back home for that and the Brighton game a few days later If they move the Christmas Eve one they probably will, unfortunately. ah wey, it'll still have to be in the 25th-29th gap anyway (I assume) so it'll be ok Aye, last year they had games 26-31st I think. Hoping it doesn't get moved though
  13. If Greece beat Gibraltar tomorrow they'll have more points than Slovakia (2nd in England group) so would it be them that would miss out?
  14. wont move the boxing day game surely? Just to early/late kick off? Better f***ing not, I'll be back home for that and the Brighton game a few days later If they move the Christmas Eve one they probably will, unfortunately.
  15. As long as they're moved to Saturday 5:30's I don't mind. Friday/Sunday/Monday games can get to fuck though
  16. Last scheduled Sunday game at the moment but we do have a Monday night game away to Burnley at the end of the month
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