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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Quique Sanchez Flores? Never heard of him? I'm sure lots of people only think a manager is any good if he's got a foreign sounding name.
  2. They'll just extend it man.
  3. I'm not bothered to be honest. I couldn't blame him for going to PSG at the time but it hasn't worked out for him since. He was the mainstay of the French national team, he can't say that now, so arguably it was the worst thing that could've happened for his career. The fact he may end up at Palace under that chump is more depressing for him than us.
  4. I agree it's an underwhelming appointment but if he gets the job I'll support him. With a bit more money to spend this summer he could do quite well. I'm not going to write him off as the second coming of Pardew or worse. McClaren is a much better coach than Pardew ever was. He'd be good for some of our younger players, Perez, Aaron's, etc. Its about time some of our players got some proper coaching, of which he'll deliver. I'm sorry but we could do a lot worse given our boards track record.
  5. I do wonder if Charnley & Co have been keeping their cards close to their chest, and when the new 'Head Coach' is announced it'll take everyone by surprise, both with the timing and who it is i.e. not Carver and someone not thus far linked?
  6. Whey, you never know, he could do really well!
  7. I think he's definitely a good coach and is well thought of in the game, but he hasn't succeeded as a manager anywhere other than Twente, and has had more clubs in his career already than I've had hot dinners. I suppose if you'd asked me when we still had Pardew if I'd have preferred McClaren, I'd probably have said yes. Small victories.
  8. I'll choose to ignore it until proven otherwise.
  9. .com are saying he's got it.
  10. Looking at twitter, Vieira's at Heathrow travelling to Newcastle, Gatwick travelling to Turkey, and Newcastle all at the same time! Not sure why he'd go to Heathrow from Manchester just so he can fly to Newcastle like.
  11. Putting us aside for a moment, I think it'd be a big mistake for him to take that role at Fenerbache. Going to Turkey, generally, isn't particularly good for your career unless you're at the end of it.
  12. I'd imagine the PR team often pen stuff for the club captain, program notes, website articles etc. but would ordinarily at least run it by them before releasing it.
  13. Pretty innocuous comments that only praise him, bizarre.
  14. I really don't believe a word Luke Edwards says mind, he's got previous.
  15. Atlas F.C. Should I have heard of them?
  16. If it's the four we're led to believe I think my order would be Garde Vieira Laudrup McClaren
  17. BBC saying short list of 4, interviews this week, and Garde is one of the 4. http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/32958409
  18. I've never even watched a game of League in my life, but I do follow Union a bit and you never ever see that sort of thing at Union.
  19. Hopefully, as per the papers, we'll know by the end of next week.
  20. Pete Graves seems pretty sure.
  21. Does Graham Carr know him much, could he be behind any possible approach?
  22. Keith Downie ‏@SkySports_Keith 19m19 minutes ago Vieira has spent this week on a UEFA coaching course in Wales; we expect talks with Newcastle to take place in the next few days.
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