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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. I was reading West Ham only had to pay £15m for the Olympic Stadium, not bad for a stadium that cost £526 million to build. A bit of an unfair advantage, especially for other London clubs.
  2. Few pics on getty of Black & Cathro at training today. http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/search/2/image?phrase=newcastle+united&clarifications=&family=creative&license=rm&license=rf
  3. Got a feeling Woodman might hang around for a few months then leave tbh. It could just be they want to leave on good terms for Freddie's sake.
  4. I've no problem with the format of sending an email. They don't want to do any of their talking through the local press other than Moncur's column by the look of it.
  5. We can probably change the thread title now. Simpson as assistant ahead of Cathro though?
  6. It does actually make me a feel a bit better tbh Another email before the Gateshead game.
  7. Just got an email from Steve McClaren as well
  8. New McClaren interview up on nufctv if anyone's still got an active subscription? I haven't & certainly not buying one.
  9. I hadn't realised Moncur in his column this morning has mentioned Ian Cathro and Steve Black as coming on board. Just why the hell can't we let people know, instead of the constant cloak & dagger bullshit. We simply have to be the most infuriating club to support.
  10. Certainly hasn't been shown in any of the training pictures, so I assume he wasn't.
  11. Can only think he hasn't yet signed. They would announce any backroom appointments like assistant head coach.
  12. From Inter to Stoke. Football's fucked.
  13. If we're going to turn on our own club legends as they've taken a bit part role on Ashley's two bob board, I suggest you have a fucking word. He's nothing more than a PR man & someone who walks the corporate suits. He does it for the money, just as Geoff Hurst does it at West Ham to this day. I don't understand the hate. Direct it where it is deserved.
  14. Moncur was here long before Ashley showed up you know, giving opinions etc in the local press. Call him a gormless fucker if you want, but I don't think he has anything other than love for the city and the club.
  15. Ok, Colo bought himself a new TV aerial.
  16. Personally, I wouldn't slag off Moncur. I've no doubt he loves the club and is the last captain to lift a trophy. Graves being a classless twat though with those tweets.
  17. His dad already said he isn't going anywhere. Can't see we'd let him go on loan.
  18. He is yeah. He came out with a comment a while ago, in Jan I think, saying he was off to Benton and he was only going home or something. Ignore him.
  19. She said last night Cabaye "wants" to go to Crystal Palace.
  20. I wouldn't be in favour of signing him on a one year loan, only to give Chelsea back a better player with Prem experience.
  21. Do think McClaren, Cathro et al will be infinitely better for our younger players than Pardew and his cloggers. Excited at the prospect of Abeid, Aarons, Armstrong and even Sammy developing with some proper coaching.
  22. It would be nice to think so, depending on how things go. The guys still only 28 which is too young to be a manager/head coach imo, certainly in the top flight of English football anyway. He can be assistant for for 5 years, still only be 33 and then take over the head coach role. In fairness, the club have stressed previously they believe in continuity. If we can get ourselves into a position where we have capable people in our backroom staff who can be promoted and develop an ongoing footballing philosiphy that would be ideal from my point of view. I do however, get the impression he's looking at us as a stepping stone to take a head coach role somewhere else in the future. He seems like he wants management fairly soon, and may not be willing to wait 5 years.
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