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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. Doubt there’s another player slipped under the radar. At what point do we start thinking there’s a problem?
  2. Maybe rises substantially depending on whether we stay up or not.
  3. Is it me or is this all coming from Inter - desperate to talk up any potential investment? Their chairman came out with that shite about Amanda Staveley preferring small cars to a Ferrari. All desperate sounding if you ask me.
  4. Pretty appalling really. They’re using previous sponsorships dating back to 2016 as a benchmark, rather than what other clubs have been receiving for years. This allows for the likes of City to continue receiving huge sums whilst limiting any possible growth. If true, the club I’m sure will be taking them to court again, and I can’t feasibly see how anyone could not see this as being anything other than anti-competitive. I’ve really had my eyes opened to the extent the supposed big 6 have turned the league into a complete racket.
  5. I understand where people are coming from when saying they should’ve removed the existing ‘Newcastle United’ signs, but this is still great to see. I think they’ll probably have a full overhaul and facelift of existing signage, and a lot more besides, in close seasons to come.
  6. NUFC_Chris

    Lee Charnley

    22 years. Never heard him speak once. Sums him up.
  7. Every player deserves a clean slate under the new manager, in my opinion. If he can get something out of Joelinton, (which he may well do, as I think there is a player in there), all the better.
  8. Reminds me of Wolves basically playing in their Portugal away kits, so it’s been done before. https://www.sportbible.com/football/kit-wolves-new-third-kit-proves-theyre-basically-just-portugal-20200918
  9. As with most of the national media, they haven’t got the foggiest what they’re on about when talking about this clubs fans. Or much else.
  10. It’s a good job they didn’t sit back and wait til December to see where we were. We’d be properly fucked. At least now we’ve got a chance.
  11. Who the fuck is he trying to get on his backroom staff that’s seemingly so vital and must only be paid in golden goose eggs?
  12. I think this is just playing on fans fears. They’ve no idea if it’s on or off let’s be honest.
  13. Why do so many people hang on every word from that dentist. Cos he lives in Dubai. Boggles my mind.
  14. Seems to me that the English media were well ahead of themselves. it sounds like they got wind of Emery being the number 1 target before the club had formally approached him. We still haven’t heard from the man himself, so I’d hang fire a bit before saying it’s definitely off. There may be some work to be done by the club to talk him round.
  15. Can he organise a shite defence is what I want to know!
  16. No way have we bid for Kamara . Not. A. Chance.
  17. It’s criminal we haven’t made at least one decent loan signing, bearing in mind the savings made on wages already this summer. They’ll probably look to do something if we’re in the bottom 3 in January.
  18. NUFC_Chris

    Joe Willock

    Posted a cryptic Facebook story just now.
  19. I still think it’s disgraceful we’ve not had any sort of comment from the PL. Not even a bit of placating waffle. I’m hoping this means we are quite close, one way or the other, and they’re stalling.
  20. No new training gear this year?
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