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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. You can copy/paste these fans forum minutes tbh. They don't want to engage, and there's no ambition (not even marginal).
  2. Can't judge him from what we've seen so far, and to be honest I think he's been okay when he's come on for us. He changed the game Vs Arsenal, they couldn't cope with him. Got no service Vs Everton and would've scored had Perez not fucked it up. Having said that, would I pay £20m for him in the summer? I don't think I would and would look elsewhere.
  3. That looks lush imo. My favourite away colours of all time, and has history behind it. Based on Newcastle West End's home colours.
  4. ^^ Insert random picture of sock here.
  5. I remember him saying it was easier to pick out your own players in your peripheral vision or something. We then went on a shocking run til Xmas and Sir Bobby came in to save us.
  6. White socks just brings back memories of Ruud Gullit to my mind, but we've worn them or hooped socks at various points in our history so I'm not against it.
  7. Patrick Viera being linked with the Arsenal job now, good.
  8. Arsenal going to be all red? Can't see that going down well. You reckon we'll wear our new one last game of the season?
  9. NUFC_Chris

    Joey Barton

    Well that should be interesting!
  10. Hope he gets a call-up. I think he deserves it, and it can only be his previous misdemeanours that's preventing it. He 100% should be in on form and ability. Also, be nice to have a Newcastle player in the England set-up again, I might even show a bit more interest this time.
  11. Think he's quite invested in this football club, can't see him leaving any time soon. Don't think it's worth fretting over. There should be a significant transfer budget regardless of whether there's a takeover.
  12. Is this for real? https://www.90min.com/posts/6030917-strangest-things-netflix-to-air-sunderland-s-relegation-campaign-in-summer-docu-series/partners/35077
  13. It's just a survey of 4,000 so all pretty much conjecture really, but I wouldn't rank Liveprool as the nosiest at SJP this season, hardly heard them.
  14. Can't help but think this Sky News 'news' is just an attempt at a bit of shit stirring now we're pretty much safe. Sky 'understands' PSG & Bayern are interested, yada yada yada. He's of course not our player, he's indicated he'd be open to a move, I still think he's a way off a move to a PSG or Bayern.
  15. He was good without being oustanding imo, him and Diame controlled the midfield and had some good interplay. Shame Gayle missed that lob, he deserved an assist for that pass. Diame for me though was immense again, players bouncing off him, great work ethic in winning the ball back all the time.
  16. We 'should' win. Huddersfield have been a bit of a bogey team for us though. Quietly confident though.
  17. Great run of fixtures for Monk & Birmingham that, bar a miracle turnaround akin to the one that got them out of the shite a few years ago, I think the mackems are as good as relegated.
  18. I'd ask serious questions about going there as a fan purely for safety reasons, after what was effectively state sponsored hooliganism in the last Euro's.
  19. Two consecutive 0-0 draws under Rafa there? Would take the same again with a cherry on top.
  20. Toon Toon black'nwhite Slimani
  21. Farce. Sack the fucking lot of em. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Inter enquiring about Sturridge on loan. We aren't getting any £20m striker like, it's horse shit.
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